Rob Schwartz

About the author

Rob Schwartz is a hypnotist who offers Between Lives Soul Regressions (BLSRs) to help people heal and understand their life plan. In a BLSR you can speak directly with the Council of Elders, wise, loving, and highly evolved beings who can tell you what you planned for your current lifetime and why, how well you're fulfilling your plan, and how you may better fulfill your plan. Rob's first book, Your Soul's Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born, explores the pre-birth planning of physical illness, having disabled children, deafness, blindness, drug addiction, alcoholism, the death of a loved one, and accidents. His second book, Your Soul's Gift: The Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born, explores the pre-birth planning of spiritual awakening, miscarriage, abortion, suicide, caregiving, sexuality, adoption, having pets, poverty, mental illness, and other life challenges and experiences. He is also the author of Your Soul's Love: Living the Love You Planned Before You Were Born about the pre-birth planning of challenges related to romantic relationships or their absence: infidelity; impotence; raising children alone after the death of one's partner; being single; and celibate relationships. Rob's books have been translated into 25 languages. He teaches internationally on the subject of pre-birth planning at such venues as The United Nations, Kripalu, 1440 Multiversity, and Hollyhock. For more information visit Rob online at or write to him directly at

Frames of Reference ~ Rob Schwartz & Liesel Fricke

“In physics, there is a term called ‘frame of reference.’  So, for instance, if you are at a train station platform, and you observe a train pass through the station, you would be able to observe the speed at which it is traveling.  If, however, you are a passenger on the train, and the train is traveling at a constant speed, you would actually not perceive the train as moving (because you are also simultaneously moving with the train.)

A Great Shift in Consciousness ~ Rob Schwartz

As I describe in my new book Your Soul’s Gift: The Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born, a great shift in consciousness is now occurring on our planet. This shift depends completely upon those of us who are in body to raise our vibration, which means, quite simply, being the most loving people we can be. As we raise our vibration, Earth rises in vibration as well. Spirit guides, angels, loved ones, and others in the nonphysical realm can send love, wisdom, light, and inspiration to us, but we must receive and embody these gifts.

The Role of Gratitude in Your Life Plan ~ Rob Schwartz

As those of you who have read either Your Soul’s Plan or Your Soul’s Gift know, the vast majority of what we plan prior to birth is planned not as a certainty, but rather as a possibility or probability. Whether a particular possibility or probability actualizes is determined by our free will decisions. In other words, the pre-birth planning we do creates what can be conceptualized as a vast, elaborate flow chart. What is a flow chart? It’s a series of decision points. If you do A, then X happens. If you do B, then Y happens. The plans we create before we come into body constitute a flow chart so immense as to be beyond human comprehension.

Ascension and Your Life Plan ~ Rob Schwartz

As I understand it, you made a one-in-three cut to be here on Earth at this time of planetary ascension. Yes, that’s right, there were three times as many souls who wanted to be here for Ascension as available bodies. Why did so many souls want before they were born to be here in body now? Why did you want before you were born to be here in body now? What exactly is Ascension? How can you align with Ascension so as to maximize the peace and joy in your life and also be of greatest possible service to humanity and Gaia as we ascend?

Surrender to the Squeeze ~ Rob Schwartz

or many of you, your soul is boxing you (your personality based self) into a corner right now and is squeezing you in such a way to effectively force evolution. The degree to which a soul is choosing to squeeze the personality varies from individual to individual. Yet, this also occurs within the broader context of a collective level of squeezing which affects all. No incarnate human on the planet right now can escape at least some level of squeezing unless they are already in a state of enlightenment.

A Way to Better Understand Vibration and Potential Life Plans ~ Rob Schwartz

“We would like to use an analogy to communicate further and clarify the soul’s pre-birth plans. Imagine what seems like an infinite number of giant sheets of paper stacked on top of one another. When each piece of paper is handled individually, it appears to be an almost two-dimensional object because its thickness is relatively negligible. However, when the entire stack of paper is viewed together, there is a third dimension; namely, the height of the stack of paper. For the purposes of our analogy, let us now just imagine a very tall stack of sheets of papers as this is easier for the human brain to visualize. The height dimension of the stack of papers represents the spectrum of energetic vibration an incarnate human being can be in. The thickness of each sheet of paper is a tiny slice of that spectrum, a quantum sliver.

Maintaining connection to your wholeness within this world of separation ~ Rob Schwartz

ou often ask ‘why is this contrast necessary?’  We offer this in answer to your question: The one precious piece that your world offers that can make The Whole wholer is the very experience that so often leads to pain in you: separation.  The Whole cannot know all that it is until it divides itself.  However, it is up to you to determine whether the separation you experience is only one layer of your experience (realizing that you are in a separate physical body from other beings and things), or if it is the totality of your experience (mistakenly believing that that body with its emotions and accompanying thoughts are all that you are.)

A communication of profound love from the bees ~ Rob Schwartz

“We come to you now from a part of Us that is the loving intelligence that oversees the bees of your world.  Some call this loving intelligence the Deva of Bees.  We so dearly hope that you, humans, find your way to your own version of hive mindedness, to the realization of your connectedness and interdependence with all.  Your expansion into the fullness of this awareness is imperative for all of us who have our home on the Earth with you.  We have surrendered and entrusted our fate at the physical level to you, please hold it gently and lovingly.

Moving Beyond Shame and Guilt ~ Rob Schwartz

Learning from your past mistakes is good and appropriate; however, when you dwell excessively on past mistakes it begins to create toxic shame and guilt. The weight of these heavy emotions then keeps you from acting from a place of love, joy, and light in the present moment and blocks the flow of Spirit within and through you.  These heavy energies born from a lack of self-forgiveness can be very debilitating.  The ‘stuckness’ that often results is very easily used by the ego to create an even greater sense of shame and guilt through its mental narratives.  Thus, the heavy energy can easily reseed itself.  For more on the relationship between ego-based thoughts and heavy emotions, please read Our ‘Weeds and Seeds’ channeling.  

Karma ~ Rob Schwartz

The purpose of karma is not to punish.  The purpose of karma is to reunite you with the part of the One that you have artificially separated yourself from by giving you the experience from the other frame of reference, the opposing role in the dynamic.  Think of it as a kind of built-in guardrail system for incarnate reality to keep you from going too far off track into the perception of separation. 

The power of waves ~ Rob Schwartz

This is a time of great possibility within your realm.  There is, indeed, a great movement toward ascension occurring. This movement toward ascension serves to magnify any personal evolvement that an individual chooses to undergo at this time.  Think of this as the amplification of a wave.  To illustrate the concept of the amplification of waveforms, think of an individual walking along a bridge.

Between Lives Soul Regression ~ Rob Schwartz

A Between Lives Soul Regression or BLSR (also known as a life between lives regression or LBL) is a sacred experience in which you can return to the nonphysical realm you call Home between your earthly incarnations and so experience and remember your identity as an immortal soul. A Between Lives Soul Regression is a powerful and deeply healing way to gain an expanded awareness of who you really are and a profound understanding of the plan for, and purpose of, your life.
