
Weight loss ~ Natalija Pavlaković

EVERYTHING IS ENERGY. Every word you say is energy. Every thought you have is energy. ENERGY HAS TO MOVE, IT HAS TO GO SOMEWHERE OR IT RETURNS TO ITS SOURCE. When it returns to the source, it is usually altered by the thought it is attached to. For example, positive thoughts create something that is usable. Positive thoughts when spoken create more positive energy. They motivate, create and empower. Negative thoughts do two things. Either they create fear, doubt, insecurity or some other negative emotion or they go back inside the person. Since they are not used, they return to the source as energy, unused energy that stagnates. Negative words have the same effect.

What is the true meaning of spirituality? ~ Natalija Pavlaković

What is the true meaning of spirituality? It is a word that is often misunderstood. I am not talking here about the literary meaning of this word, but about the spiritual meaning. Being spiritual or living spirituality means being at peace. You are not only at peace in the physical body, but also at peace in all subtle bodies - emotional, mental and spiritual.

Energy of thought ~ Natalija Pavlaković

Every thought becomes something. From the moment of its creation, thought becomes reality. Every time you think, whether that thought is good or bad, you create your reality. Once you create a thought about something or someone, that thought is destined to manifest. If it doesn't manifest, it goes back inside. But it does not return to where it was created, because something created cannot be destroyed. It returns within the etheric body (Aura) and remains there, calmly awaiting the moment of its manifestation.

The importance of releasing energies from past lives ~ Natalija Pavlaković

The purpose of your life on Earth is to get rid of that energy, to control and distance yourself from your own emotional body. * Only in this way are you able to see the illusory nature of life on Earth. It won’t mean you’ll be emotionless but you’ll feel but you won’t bond. You will still feel love, compassion, and other feelings but unconditionally, without the need for manipulation and emotional bonds.

Other people like mirrors ~ Natalija Pavlaković

YOU ARE ALL MIRRORS FOR EACH OTHER. WHAT YOU DON’T LIKE ABOUT THE OTHER PERSON IS WHAT YOU HAVE TO FIND IN YOURSELF. This is the aspect of your personality that your attention is focused on. He appears to you and says, “Look, this is what you have to see.” But often you are so scared that you either take the person away from you or run away from them. Many of you who practice healing, who are teachers, intuitive counselors, or therapists often channel a great deal of spiritual energy and that energy magnifies your mirror!