
The Eight Shifts of Enlightenment Part One ~ Kryon ~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Where do you think Human emotion comes from? Where do you think love comes from? I will tell you this - it''s part of God in you! Why do you feel the way you do when you have so much love for another? You think that's all Human, don't you? No. That's the God part in you being activated even between Human and Human. Even the Humans who don't believe in God can't help the fact that it is still so. You might not believe in a kidney either, but you still have one. You are creatures of free choice, so you are free to accept what's going on now at this moment or not. You are totally free, and Spirit isn't going to come and touch you to make you believe it. This is our gift to you - free choice.

Invisible Things..~ Kryon ~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of magnetic service. The idea of getting messages from the other side of the veil through a Human Being as you have seen today, literally for hours, would stretch credibility for some. Yet I will tell you yet again that this has always been the way of it.

How timing works in your life ~ Kryon ~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Looking at the world situation, there are many who would wring their hands and say, "I see the evil all around me and the inhumanity. How can I fight the darkness?" The answer I have always given, dear ones, is that you never have to fight the darkness. All you must do is create light. That’s all. Darkness cannot exist when light is there. It simply cannot. This is the premise that we have presented to you for decades. It states that the light around you that you yourself create, is far, far more effective than you think. Instead of trying to fight that which is dark, creating light around you via compassion, understanding, and kindness, goes directly into the FIELD and darkness starts to diminish due to that … by itself.

Planets and their movements affect our character, moods, and ideas Q&A ~ Kryon ~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, we’ve been studying astrology for some time and we know that the solar system helps to create and support an impression of an individual selfhood for us. The planets and their movements affect our character, moods, and ideas. We’d like to know what exactly this mechanism does and how this system works in terms of science. Most important, we’d like to know how we could use this ancient science most effectively in the new energy. It seems to be a contract, “karma.” What happens when one enlightens and cancels his contract? Do the planets then stop affecting us?

BACK TO BASICS ~ Kryon ~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

Greetings, dears ones, I am Kryon of magnetic service. You have no concept of the energies that you would call appreciation, a Human emotion that we don't have. We have something far grander. Think of the highest love you can - whatever that means to you - something that would make your heart leap out of your chest in appreciation and grandness. Now double it, triple it, and you'll have what we call the emotions of the angels.