

Equinox Timeline Jump and Genuine Joy - Ursula, The Pleiadians, and Yeshua — Nora

We’re coming in with our big faerieness to play with you all a bit here. We want to talk about play and joy and fun, and how you’re all feeling about that right now in response to the war, the invasion, and the pandemic, which is still ongoing, and the death and the destruction, and the loss, and how it can become confusing for you all at times to play to have fun and to allow yourself playful behaviors, playful experiences, fun, and joy in the midst of so much suffering, when others are experiencing so much suffering, when you yourself are experiencing suffering, either directly because you’re involved or because people that you know personally are involved, or indirectly because you are all one, there, part of the collective. Anything that is being experienced by any on your world, you are feeling in some way, shape, or form yourself. So this whole matter of operating from a high vibe place and being in a joyful state, how do you do that? How do you do that so you are honoring humanity, your own humanity, your own humanness, and the experiences of humans, while at the same time, giving yourself permission to be genuinely joyful when you can. And that’s it right there. Genuine. 

Human as the Highest Expression - The Pleiadians, Yeshua, and Ursula — Nora

Greetings, this is the Pleiadian Collective. As always, It is so wonderful to connect with all of you beautiful Universal Beings of Love. So take a breath……..and as you inhale and exhale, just take a moment here to connect with yourself first. Fully connect with yourself or at least as much as you can right now. So just continue to breathe gently, and just feel yourself kind of settle into your body and align and center within………..as you breathe.

Full Moon Gemini & Solstice Starseed Card Reading 19 December 2021 ~ Natasha Bailey

Full Moon Gemini & Solstice Starseed Card Reading 19 December 2021 What to Focus on Releasing, Completing, Finishing on the Full Moon * Past Life Information to Release * Messages for Starseeds from our Home Galaxies * Message for your inner masculine and feminine to embody * How to ground your mission into the planet from the crystals

The Sun, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, and More - Nora and The Pleiadians — Nora

Our solar eclipses are very much about the illusion of an interruption in our power centers, both individually, personally, and then also collectively in the power dynamics and the reverberations then as we realign with our sun. So the illusion is we lose connection with our sun, and then we feel that disruption in our third chakras individually, and then the collective third chakra, the collective will, and then we realign with our power centers in an upgraded fashion.

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius Card Reading for Starseeds 4 December 2021 ~ Natasha Bailey

STARSEED LIGHTWORKER COLLECTIVE CARD READING NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE IN SAGITTARIUS 4 DECEMBER 2021 What energy or guidance do we need to embody to create for the next months from this portal and new moon in order to embody our soul mission on this planet? New Moon = New Energy, Intentions, New Manifestations * Messages for Starseeds about your mission from your galactic origins * Messages from Higher Self/Oversoul * Message for your inner masculine and feminine to embody * How to ground your mission into the planet