
How Time Works in Your Favor Now ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We have so much to offer you in so much of your time, because we are aware that the amount of time that you have before you complete the shift in consciousness is long enough to get a lot done. You sometimes think in very linear and third-dimensional terms when it comes to time, and you think about how much time it’s going to take to build this or repair that. You look around in nature, even in nature, and you see how long it takes for things to grow, and you may think that spiritually speaking, that must also be the case. 

The Most Important Place on Earth ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We have been observing you, witnessing you, and recognizing your growth and evolution, and of course, we have some comments to make about what you are living there on Earth as well. We see how beautiful humanity can be in your desire to help one another and in your willingness to feel for others who are suffering in some way. We see every disaster that you experience there on Earth as another opportunity for you to grow the amount of compassion that you have within yourselves. And of course, there is usually also an opportunity in that to forgive. 

Earth’s Progress as Seen by the Arcturians ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We have been explaining to many of you who come to us in the astral plane that everything is working out there on Earth, and we want to say it to you while you are in your bodies as well. We want you to understand that the ascension of consciousness is happening no matter what and that it is a universal ascension and an ascension of the entire multiverse. Therefore, no one has anything to worry about. We invite you to focus on the aspects of your life and your world that are reflecting to you that truth that everything is indeed all right and going according to plan.

Create Your Reality or Accept & Surrender? ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are in witness to so much that is happening there on Earth and with you all as individuals, and we are always delighted to see you growing through your experiences. You have these lives that you are living and that you often seek to gain control of through a variety of strategies and techniques. If you were to see yourself as the experiencer of your life and the creator of your experience of your life, how would that change your perception of reality? In other words, you often get the message from those like us that you create your reality, but then you also get the message that says, ‘You need to let go and surrender.’ And some of you might think that those two teachings contradict each other. 

Avoiding Predictions of Cataclysmic Future Events ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are very happy to remind all of you of how far you have come on your journeys. We know that you have all evolved tremendously throughout the course of your lives, and we want to assure you that everyone there on Earth is on a journey of evolving their consciousness. It may seem as though there is no hope for certain members of your family, certain segments of the population, and so on, but in actuality you are there to provide that hope to those who are asleep and to those who are very much seeming to want to stay asleep. You provide the formula; you provide the template. You are the wayshowers, and you are there to demonstrate to others how it is done.