
May Ascension Energies – New Ground~ Jamye Price

Blessed Beings, you are at a time of great change. Even as you step on familiar soil, you step into new terrain. What is different is invisible at this moment, yet restructuring the information of future form. Just as a perfume can change the smell of a room as one walks through, so too are you changing the atmosphere you traverse. It wasn’t a moment, an eclipse or an event that is the change. It was all and none.

April Ascension Energies – Ricochet ~ Jamye Price

Blessed Beings, it is a time of great movement. The spiral tightens, and change intensifies. Your work is to go with the flow of your knowing, not resisting the timing or temper of the changes. It is a balance of Awareness and creativity, using your mind and heart to hear and transform within. Within you is the timeless infinite, the potential. It is here you first create. It is here you first communicate. It is here, in this vibrational symphony, that the universe hears you. Receiving is Becoming As you have practiced the skill of receiving information, you have built a strength of Knowing. The Knowing that you are in a constant state of change in the physical realm. The Knowing that your perspectives and choices are cherished by Life.

March Ascension Energies – Connecting Love ~ Jamye Price

Blessed Beings, March is a turning point, a shift in direction. With your Awareness, that path is Connection. While it twists and turns your head learns. Where it is straight you adjust your gait. The balance you seek is not a guarantee, it is a journey of learning based on what you see. When you allow Love to bloom before your eyes, mere sticks and dirt are beauty’s surprise. It’s not what you see, it’s what you know. You, Blessing, feel the potential before the seeds grow.

Get Ready for the Boomerang Effect ∞The 12D Creators: A Nonphysical Collective Consciousness ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We love you, and we want to start there this time, because you need to hear it. You need to hear it often. You need to hear it from yourselves, and you need to know that the love is coming to you from all imaginable angles. Even people who don’t say they love you actually do love you, but they feel afraid of being rejected, and so they don’t express it to you. It is important to express your feelings to one another, and it is not only important to express when you are feeling something not-so-good feeling. Tell others how you feel; let them know and show them affection, kindness, and everything else that you want to be shown back to you.

Love’s Triumph by Lady Quan Yin – Natalie Glasson

Greetings to you divine beings of light, I am Lady Quan Yin. I come forth with compassion, with love and with a tenderness that I embrace you in. It is like a healing vibration born from the essence of love, especially for you – a love awakening, a love healing and a love remembrance. It is for you to receive, absorb and hold within your being, to serve you at this time of your ascension.