
The Unknown & What Is Coming to You ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are in our element when we are feeling into something that is unknown to us and getting a sense of it for the first time. To us there is nothing more exciting than the unknown, because it means we will be meeting an aspect of ourselves that we were unaware of previously. As you step into the unknown in your lives, you really do want to take that same approach, because it will be the place where you discover something new about yourselves. 

One Simple Choice That Will Change Your Life ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are not just imagining a better future for humanity; we are also able to see a better now moment than most of you are. That ability that we have to see the better now moment there on planet Earth is also a choice that we are making. We are choosing to focus at all times on the positives, the baby steps forward that you have taken in a given moment, and we are never deluding ourselves when we do so. It is always up to you which aspect of the now moment you choose to focus upon, and that choice makes an enormous difference in the course of your life.

Before You Return to the Chaotic Outside World ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We have been accumulating so much data through our observation of you and through our interactions with you, and we want you to know that the energies that we have been co-creating with others for you are uniquely tailored to bring you exactly what you need to move to that next level of consciousness. You are all taking steps forward in your spiritual evolution, no matter how it might look in your day-to-day lives, and every once in a while you feel that you are ready to go to another level that will enable you to access different entities and different experiences. You are also always seeking to access more of your true and whole selves. As many of you know, you do that by going within, but going within ultimately must result in you also going outside and interacting with the quote/unquote ‘real world.’ 

This Programming Must Be Shaken ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are continuously amazed and blown away by humanity as we witness all of you there on planet Earth, and we see how hard you all work towards achieving your goals in life. It is as if nothing is worth having unless there is a story that goes along with it, and that story must include your struggle and the paying of dues. That has been your programming for quite some time, and most of you have absorbed it at one time or another in your lives. 

If You’re Waiting for Ships to Land, Do This ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We have enough experience at this point in working with beings in physical dimensions to know how to help you live better lives there in your physical dimension on planet Earth. We know how significant it is for all of you to actually be there in those physical bodies, and we want you to understand that you are there to ground in higher-frequency energies for the collective of humanity and for this entire universe. We want you all to embrace the fact that you chose to be there and you chose to have a physical body at this time. We invite you to look for that which is in the physical realm that can give you a reason to feel grounded.