


We have been discovering new ways to make contact with those of you who are desiring that connection with us. We know that you rely heavily on your technology to keep in contact with each other, but you do not use technology to connect with your pets and other animal friends. You are, in fact, more likely to chat with one of your animal friends telepathically. And so, one of the ways that we have been reaching out to you is in those moments when you are communicating with one of your pets or some other animal beings that you wish to connect with.

Telepathy ~ Camillo Loken

Have you ever experienced thinking about someone for no apparent reason and then a few seconds later that person called you?  Or have you ever felt being watched and when you turned round you found someone staring at you? Most people have. Sometimes I have also just started to hum or sing on a certain melody/song – just out of the blue – for no apparent reason. And then when I´ve turned on the radio the exact same melody/song was playing.

Lions Gate Portal 2019 — Telepathic Magnification and Acceleration – The Pleiadians  through Nora Herold

This is a really magnificent upgrade in your systems that you’re experiencing right now (speaking of the 8/8 Lion’s Gate portal energies) that’s going to really facilitate a unification in the collective on planet Earth and the ability to navigate through some pretty intense astrological events that are going to be upcoming through the end of the year and into the beginning of next year. And don’t perceive ‘intense’ as bad, because there is the potential here, with the intensity of energy connected to these astrological occurrences, for some spectacularly beautiful shifts in your physical reality and on your planet.

Trending Telepathy ∞ Daniel Scranton

We have a wide array of perspectives to hold at one time, because we are a collective, and we are able to look in on more beings than we could ever count simultaneously. You are quite the collective yourselves there on Earth, and we can see when you are trending in a certain direction.You may know about the hundredth monkey phenomenon. It is a theory based on scientific experiments that says: once the hundredth monkey knows how to do something, they all do. It is the critical mass point for the consciousness of the monkey. Again, this is based on experiments, and you can look it up on the Internet for more information about it.

Angels, Faeries & Other Helpers ∞ Daniel Scranton

We are very interested and excited to follow the path of humanity as you bring yourselves into this next phase of the evolution of your consciousness. You are of course always making progress, but at certain times, there are opportunities for a greater amount of progress to be experience by humanity, and now is one of those times. You are bound to see more and more individuals around you showing you just how much they are evolving and becoming their fifth dimensional higher selves. Even those who do not have the same language for what they are experiencing and coming to know are going to be having similar experiences to what you all have had and do have names for.