

How to Manifest the Life of Your Dreams ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are always taking stock of where you are on your journeys there on planet Earth so that we can deliver to you the energies and the messages that you truly require. We know that many of you have requests of the universe, Source, your guides, and even us that you would like our help with, and we want you to know that the best way we have of helping you is by reminding you of how this all works. Yes, you do come into a lifetime knowing that you are going to have certain traits and that you will be born into a family, a home, a neighborhood, a community, where you are bound to have certain experiences of life, and of yourself and others. 

Manifestation is Spiritual Mastery ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are very happy to assist you with whatever you desire for yourselves because we know what a challenging path you are on there on planet Earth and because we delight in the process of co-creation. When you ask for our assistance with anything, we give it to you freely and without hesitation, and then it is up to you to believe that you have created what you have desired to create and that it is coming. The easiest way for you to show your faith in your power of manifestation is by letting it go. 

How to Manifest Miracles in Your Reality ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are very deliberate when we ask for assistance from the collectives that are in higher dimensions than ours. We no longer ask for what we want and need subconsciously, like you all do. But rather, we are very clear about the asking, and then we let go of the delivery method. In other words, we don’t care how it comes and from whom it comes. We don’t care about the way in which it comes, as long as the desire is fulfilled. When you ask for something that you want form higher-dimensional beings and collectives, notice if you are attached to the when, the how, the delivery system, and even from whom you will receive what you are asking for. 

New DNA Upgrades & Activations ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We have been observing all of you and have been connecting with other collectives here in the ninth dimension to see how we can be of greater service to you. We get perspectives from Sirians, Pleiadians, Andromedans, Lyrans, and so on, and we collaborate with them to bring forth the best possible energies that will assist you on your journeys. We know that we can’t do it for you, but we are here to support you, to guide you, and to teach you in all the ways that we can. We want you to know that the structure of your DNA is changing and the energies upon you right now are about those DNA upgrades and activations. 

Manifesting Your Requests of the Arcturians ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are very capable of handling all of your requests, both spoken and thought. We even recommend that you write down the requests that you have for us, because you will get clearer about what it is that you want, as you are able to look at it in written form. You don’t have to earn anything, and you don’t have to be special. You don’t have to repeat the magic mantra; you just have to align with what it is you have asked for, and we are happy to be the delivery system for you, because you have chosen to focus on us instead of Yeshua, or Source, or Pleiadians. Any of a number of higher-dimensional beings can handle your requests.