

Access the Fifth Dimension Right Now ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are excited, as always, to witness you growing and expanding in the ways that you do in every moment of every day. You may not see the growth that you want to see out there in the physical universe, and you might not be able to detect as much growth in yourselves as you would like to see, but every moment of every day you are gaining more awareness, more consciousness. You are becoming more awake. You become awakened to the truth of who you really are at some point, but then you go through the experiences that make you more aware of your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and even your actions, things you do on autopilot instead of from a place of inspiration.

What the Fifth Dimension Will Be Like for You ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are very excited to see what you will do with the energies that have been upon you and how you will use them to co-create better systems there on your world. Many of you who are awake know that the systems you have in place are not working for everyone, or even most people, and you want to be a part of creating the new systems that will be in place as you shift your consciousness. We do want you to understand that as fifth-dimensional beings, you won’t need these systems.

On Greater Perspectives From Other Dimensions ~ Angie

there are many things that are sacred that lack attention, sacred things like the smallest flower growing by the side of the road, or the tiny little corn row toes of a baby, a newborn baby. You see, there's so much that is sacred. And what is sacred does not need to be housed in a cathedral or a sanctuary, but you are the sanctuaries.

Judah’s Purpose ~ Angie

Questioner: As far as light language goes, is each one of those sounds like a word? Pleiadians: We would say that it is not so much like a word as each sound is an entire concept, a conceptual understanding. So probably a more accurate way for you to think of it is that each sound is like unto a detailed how to book on a particular concept. And so as you receive each sound, which to your ears may seem to be like a word, but each one of those sounds is like an entire volume, a complete work on a specific concept. And so when we tell you what the transmission is about, it is a very brief title or description of what is happening. And really it's not important for you to understand all of it, just to receive it.

What & Where Is the 5th Dimension? ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are very happy to be here with all of you at this time of your great expansion. As your awareness expands, your sense of self expands, and you recognize that there is no real separation between you and this universe. There is also no real separation between you and anything or anyone else, and as you hold that awareness, you can let go of so much. Letting go and stripping away will lighten you up. You will become your higher selves eventually, and you might as well do it intentionally. You might as well do it right now, as we are inviting you to do so.