About the author

Sara has been called a leader of leaders for the next generation of transformation. A former corporate professional and entrepreneur turned inspirational speaker, spiritual teacher, and channel of The Council. Sara is recognized as a globally celebrated leader in the field of human potential and spiritual living. The Council is a higher level consciousness of non-physical beings who provide a grander perspective of the human experience and the wisdom to live one’s fullest potential. Sara’s passion is guiding leaders, wayshowers and change-makers to discover their unique life’s purpose and the power within them to create a positive impact in the world around them. Sara’s ability to channel The Council, offers clients, students and participants in her courses and Masters Class program, the ability to create their best life possible regardless of current limitations and life circumstances.

Insights from Your Paradise Is Your Purpose ~ Sara Landon

You are everything you wish to be, and you know that now. You are everything you wish to be. You already are. You do not have to wish for prosperity and abundance. You are prosperity and abundance. You do not need to wish for wellbeing and peace and harmony. You are wellbeing and peace and harmony. You do not have to wish for love. You are love. You do not have to wish for light. You are the light. You do not have to wish to be powerful. You are powerful. You have always been. You will always be.

Insights from The Divine Symphony of Perfection ~ Sara Landon

You came here to experience harmony within your being, within every part of you, and to integrate it all into the realization of all that you are, and to live in a state of harmony with all of you and in your relationships. You came here with extraordinary gifts and abilities and talents and skills that you have amassed on your journey throughout eternity. You came here to embody your gifts, to share your gifts, and then to thrive and to live in harmony with the abundance and the prosperity and the money and the opportunities and the resources that are all here for you. 

Insights from Open to Receive ~ Sara Landon

The instant manifestation of receiving is expansion, and you cannot experience expansion without fully opening and allowing yourself to receive. And as you receive that which is a reflection of all you have expanded into, you will notice that those things that are no longer aligned to you begin to move out of your experience. 

Insights from You Answered the Call ~ Sara Landon

You answered the call that went out to all of the Universe, but especially to those of you ascended masters who had gone by way of Earth into their own ascension and had continued to stay focused on the Earth experience and all that that includes because of your great love, your great love for humanity, your great love for the animals, your great love for the planet, and your great love for what was occurring on Earth at this time, the greatest transformation of consciousness that has ever occurred,

Insights from Create through Playful Innocence ~ Sara Landon

As you embody the knowing of your own unwavering pure love, and your own playful innocence, as well as knowing the powerful creator that you are, oh, oh, you open up new worlds, new potentials, new possibilities, expansion upon expansion upon expansion into more and more and more to celebrate, to enjoy, to love. 

Insights from Communicating with Energy ~ Sara Landon

We know you have everyday lives and jobs and responsibilities and special-label people and things you believe you need to do, and we understand. But it is more important than ever that you come fully into the embodiment of the light that you are, that that becomes your natural set point all throughout the day, that there’s nothing more important than you fully embodying the light that you are and allowing your communication with energy. 

Join the Eternal Celebration ~ Sara Landon

Everything is always happening for you. And if something is not happening, that’s also happening for you. It doesn’t mean it won’t happen. It means that divine orchestration is underway and most likely will present to you an experience of true creation beyond your wildest dreams. 

Insights from The Keeper of the Dream ~ Sara Landon

The dreams in your heart are real. They are there for a reason. They have been planted within you as a guiding light to your destiny. Destiny moves through you as the force field of consciousness that you are. Reality moves through you as the force field of consciousness that you are. Magic and miracles move through you as the force field of consciousness that you are. 

Insights from Stay in Your Power ~ Sara Landon

You have a GRANDER AWARENESS of what is really going on at this time, so do not give your power away to anything, truly, but certainly not to the things that you have ascended beyond, like lack, limitation, fear, separation, chaos, worry, anxiety. We know what’s going on on your planet. We know. We understand. And you know how important it is to stay in your power, to maintain the highest level of consciousness and the highest vibrational frequency, to continue to summon energy into form, the form that is your light, your light in form.

Insights from Ascend into the Miraculous ~ Sara Landon

Rise up, rise up, master. Rise up. Ascend beyond lack, limitation, fear, separation, shame, guilt, unworthiness. Transcend the lower frequencies, the lower vibrations that entangle you. Transcend, transcend, transcend into pure love, into the knowing of your infinite worthiness. Transcend and come fully into abundance and wellbeing and harmony and freedom. 

Insights from Witness the New Earth ~ Sara Landon

You’re going to start to notice that you have the inspiration of oh, how fun would that be? And almost instantly and seemingly effortlessly and with ease and harmony that experience presents itself to you, and you just say yes, and you just say yes, and you just say yes. 

Insights from I Know Who I Am ~ Sara Landon

As a master, you are living in such a level of consciousness, summoning energy into physical form that you empower, you uplift, you inspire just by being you. You might not say anything at all, and yet you inspire, yet you illuminate, yet you become magnetic. 
