Méline Lafont is a lightworker living in Belgium, Europe. She is a full time single mom of 3 children in the Earthly vessel performing the Multidimensional tasks as a Contactee, Gatekeeper and Ascension guide birthed through the Violet Ray. One of her tasks is to serve and to embody what she represents in order to assist fellow travelers of Light in this community of Oneness and Love. She works with Master Saint Germain as her Divine companion as well as with the Ascended Master realms and the Pleiadians because these are an intrinsic part of her journey, service work and Being. Méline provides messages, activations, Light language, courses, tools and energy service work that assists you with the re-alignment with your SELF which is done by offering a key to inner work and re-awakening, which is YOU. With a little "push" she guides you to where you need to be at this time in a most clear and loving way.