Meline Lafont

About the author

Méline Lafont is a lightworker living in Belgium, Europe. She is a full time single mom of 3 children in the Earthly vessel performing the Multidimensional tasks as a Contactee, Gatekeeper and Ascension guide birthed through the Violet Ray. One of her tasks is to serve and to embody what she represents in order to assist fellow travelers of Light in this community of Oneness and Love. She works with Master Saint Germain as her Divine companion as well as with the Ascended Master realms and the Pleiadians because these are an intrinsic part of her journey, service work and Being. Méline provides messages, activations, Light language, courses, tools and energy service work that assists you with the re-alignment with your SELF which is done by offering a key to inner work and re-awakening, which is YOU. With a little "push" she guides you to where you need to be at this time in a most clear and loving way.

2025 A year filled with a lot of movement. ~ Meline Lafont

9 is the energy of this calendar year.  That means it is a year of completion, a closing of many things on a personal and collective level.  The snake is also shaking off its skin and letting go.  2025 is the year of the wooden snake in Chinese astrology, which stands for Transformation.

Time to let go of time ~ Meline Lafont

What I want to discuss today with all of you is the great leap forward towards Ascension in which you will find yourselves very soon now. The last couple of months have flown by like they were mere days implying that the notion of time not only shortens but that time itself actually disappears into nothingness! Days turn into hours, hours become minutes until, at some point,  there is no more time and so time, as you know it, disappears. You will experience this fact on a physical level most intensely. This quantum leap in time is, in a very powerful way, subject to the coming changes which will increasingly take place on your beloved Gaia.

November 11:11 Gateway Space for Sacred codes and the inner journey. ~ Meline Lafont

we are in the midst of processing our October ride and journey into the inner planes. What November entails for you is that you will become more sophisticated in your sphere as your elemental awareness, your senses, your intuition and your morphogenetic phase will now start to enhance as you are exhaling your breaths of sophisticated SELF. ALWAYS remember that on the journey there are many different layers and vibrations to travel through so we all experience this in phases, in momentums and in waves.

Shift within a shift, within a shift… Elaboration from Saint Germain ~ Meline Lafont

I think I can speak on behalf of all of us when I say that these past few weeks and more specifically these past few days going towards the solar eclipse have been rather rough and have led us to specific insights and to situations that can only contribute to our evolution. In my point of view (and I feel this personally as well) we are currently dealing with a very intense energy wave which is straining at times but nevertheless something we can cope with. I especially notice it around me in “Living together” conditions with others (in my case living with my children) and I can easily see the effects this energy shift has on them and I have to learn how to deal with it in conjunction with my own process and that of friends and family. All in all, it is sometimes difficult to remain in a balanced state or to regain it.

Steps of Transformation, Masters of the Far East ~ Step 3 Meline Lafont

Beloved, once more we are close to you and we would gladly relay more on the aspect of the transformation, which you are undergoing presently in your current body. Meanwhile we have arrived at the final phase and step in this whole process and we gradually continue with our guidance relevant to this, so that you can eventually execute everything independently in complete trust and heart choice. Pay attention, it is of the utmost importance that this is your heart choice otherwise don’t bother even starting up the process at this time. It is a very intensive process at that, so don’t underestimate the effects it will have on your physical and mental self.

knowledge for the Transmutation in the process of transformation ~ Step 2 Meline Lafont

The second step in the process of this transformation is the knowledge about the transmutation itself. Transmutation implies that a certain energy is transferred into another energy by means of neutralizing it till it reaches zero point, whereafter it is given a new charge and molding it to conform your desires. Admittedly, this is the most difficult step of the transformation process in which you currently find yourself. Before starting the actual transmutation process it is required that you master the first step with the minor distinctions, that you accept it and make it yours.

Steps of Transformation, Masters of the Far East ~ Step1 Meline Lafont

We all greet you as a collective consciousness of the Ascended Masters of the Far East. We have reached a collective consciousness in our enlightenment which we gladly share with all of you. Our energy consists of Ascended Masters based in Buddhism, in Hinduism, in Islam, in Western communities and in various emissaries of the Light. We do not put an emphasis on the differences of origins as we are and form 1 unit and 1 compact energy of Ascended energy. We address all of you on a collective level in order to clarify some issues for you which might have left the wrong impression on your consciousness and on your beloved Self.

Timeline Bridge ~ Meline Lafont

 A Timeline shift has occurred. It was a shift in time, a change of momentum during the bridging of the Solstice. This Beloveds, is an activation, a start, a point of acceleration which instigates this momentum of the Now. Energies are building up and as these come into an acceleration, a shift point breaks through as to where a bridging momentum suddenly shifts into Higher gears. So you are, as of now, evolving into an accelerated modus. Although it may appear to your human eyes that all is the same, nevertheless your ears are receiving high pitch tones and you are all catapulted into an accelerated speed.

What is Ascension? ~ Meline Lafont

When I started this journey of awakening in 2011 through my channeling abilities, I was thrilled and excited about discovering this new world which I called Spirituality. I have met many Spirits, Angels, energies, Masters, Galactics and Beings on multiple levels. Each level was a new way of understanding for me. Channeling is merely a mental world. This mental world was experienced through the mental body and it allowed me to communicate with Master Beings. This through tones, words, light and feeling.

Mastering ~ Meline Lafont

When I started this journey of awakening in 2011 through my channeling abilities, I was thrilled and excited about discovering this new world which I called Spirituality. I have met many Spirits, Angels, energies, Masters, Galactics and Beings on multiple levels. Each level was a new way of understanding for me. Channeling is merely a mental world. This mental world was experienced through the mental body and it allowed me to communicate with Master Beings. This through tones, words, light and feeling.

How DEEP is your LOVE? ~ Meline Lafont

No, it’s not the lyrics of Take That ? Although I could use a song which catapults me back to the time when I was young and life was joyfully without worries. Seems like we experience nothing but worries these days. “How will we make the necessary change that is required from us, and what is my personal part in this? “ “How to move from one Era into another while the old Era keeps on dominating the current structures? “ “What is coming for us and how about our children? “ “Is this ever going to end? “ “How will I do this? And That?”...

Tsolians – integrating the Cosmic Divine Source of your I AM and the Infrared Spectrum ~ Meline Lafont

We greet you in this day of auspicious shifts into your reality of being. We are the Tsolians of the Delta Quadrant of this Cosmic multiverse and once again we come forth with a message of peace and exhilarated energies to uplift and assist the Cosmic reawakening within the Self. We move from consciousness to consciousness to instigate some awareness and to bring the Cosmic Source in alignment with your collective awareness, this through this communication but also through the awareness of our Cosmic Being on an energy level of consciousness. We are here to speak of the infrared spectrum and of the integration of your Cosmic Divine Self, your I AM awareness in this state of being.
