Vera Ingeborg

About the author

Vera Ingeborg is an inspirational writer, energy coach and Digital Nomad from Germany. She teaches the language of energy and how to use it in daily life and supports people to overcome fears and old behavioral patterns to go for their passion and dreams.

A balancing Act: Twin Flames and Sexual Energy ~ by Vera Ingeborg

We often read about the necessity of balancing the energies in a twin flame connection. And now, with all the new high frequency energies around us, this balancing need gets even intensified and is more challenging than ever before. But how do you do that and how does that really feel? And how can you tell that it is happening and you are making progress?

The Quest for the Holy Grail or the Hero’s Journey ~ by Vera Ingeborg

Once we are born, we start our quest. Our quest of discovery. We start approaching it with curiosity and play, an explorative spirit that is natural to us. Very soon after this, we are introduced to the rules and morals of life. What you should and should not do. What is good and what is bad behavior. What you need to do to keep you and your loved ones safe and happy. Over the years, our innate curiosity and our playfulness dim down more and more. We simply don’t have time for it anymore because life keeps us so busy. We need to be productive, efficient, effective and successful. We need to fit into the boxes of expectations of our parents, our teachers, our employers, our doctors, our country… 

We are One: A new Model for Society and Relationships ~ by Vera Ingeborg

War, terror, conflicts, refugee dramas, hunger, violence – the news is full of these issues and at the same time we all yearn for more peace and harmony. What is wrong with this world and what needs to change? “I am what I am because of what we all are”. The philosophy is old. And thankfully a few Zulu tribes in Africa have not forgotten about it. Nelson Mandela helped it to come back to more fame. And now, Michael Tellinger even founded an international political party in South Africa to spread the wisdom. Nevertheless, it is not really recognized yet by the wider public. Which is perfect. It is nothing that can be introduced over night. Why? We will get to that. 

Beyond the Money Game! ~ by Vera Ingeborg

In our current system, everything is about money. We are playing Monopoli. If we don’t have money, we are not safe, not able to survive, we are not worthy. It is so natural to us, that money is the key. We know the rules of the game. Now here is a challenging thought. What if it is not money that brings abundance? What if it is self-love? This sounds very odd to the human mind, as it is a concept it does not understand. The mind has been programmed to believe in lack, danger, separation, and darkness. When we look at it from an energetic perspective, it makes total sense. We can simplify it by saying it is not about money, it is about purpose.

Being vs. Doing ~ by Vera Ingeborg

We often read and hear about the fact that we should be more mindful, we should meditate more and we should practice more BEING  instead of doing. Being present. PRESENCE in the moment. And then we ask ourselves how this could be possible. We still have to work, we still have a family to take care of, we still have to eat, we still have to run some errands, we still have bills to pay. I cannot give up everything in life and just sit around and be like all these masters of spirituality. So what do all these spiritual gurus mean by “Being”?

The Evolution into Physical Limitlessness ~ by Vera Ingeborg

Individually, we are all dreaming of being limitless in the physical world. And we have developed certain ideas what it means to be limitless. Many attach limitlessness to money. Yet, if you look more closely into the characteristics of money: It is countable and can therefore never be limitless, no matter how much you have. Others attach limitless to the magic of ”I create as I speak” or physical superpowers. But to be honest – how fast would that get boring, and how empty would those creations be?

Inner Union: Training your energetic and physical Body~ by Vera Ingeborg

Ever wonder why “just being” or “I’m doing so much” does not shift things the way you want them to shift? Just being is the feminine (feeling). Preparing the ground. Being creative and gathering insights and ideas. But without the masculine of focus (thinking) and action (impulse of embodiment) nothing will ever shift.

The choiceless “Choice” ~ by Vera Ingeborg

Choices exist as long as we are separated from Source.The heart always automatically “chooses” the path for the highest outcome to the benefit of you/all.The heart reads and operates from “real-time zero point data”, which means it is always fully present in the now-moment. It is unconditional in all ways, as it does not relate to duality and its “cause and effect”.The ego mind only reads memory/past data/akash and projects it into past and future, creating conditions based on separation and cause and effect. (If this, then that…)The illusion of choices (that are not really choices, as no matter which ego-mind made scenario you choose, it will keep you in a loop) drops away, the moment you are able to keep your heart open at all times.

Life after Death ~ by Vera Ingeborg

The physical form is literally shape-shifting every day, as the body recalibrates to its new energetic home and integrates all the new information. There is physical pain, yes – but I don’t feel any need to “make it go away”. I leave space, I converse with my cells a lot, understanding what they are going through at the moment and how I can assist them best. I am within a lot, I connect to nature, and I can feel energy running through me like never before. I feel oneness and connection with everything while also embodying this individual aspect/essence of the whole. There is no more separation, just as I see the individual cells of my body, I see and feel all the aspects of the whole fabric of the Universe, in perfect harmony. I am not holding it completely yet physically, I move in and out. It feels like a beta test before going fully online

You can’t mix Dimensions – Until you can ~ by Vera Ingeborg

As with everything – everything is a paradox. In duality – things are like oil and water. They don’t mix, always repel each other. Especially our physical bodies are anchored in duality polarity for a long, long time. Until then, there is no way to be unconditional in a conditional environment.

You first!~ by Vera Ingeborg

There seems to be some common twist in universal truth. You are not here to transmute anything for anyone else. It is impossible. You are not a martyrer that needs to carry the responsibility for the whole collective. As long as you feel something from the collective field, there is something within your own field and cells resonating with it. Own it, don’t project it into some sort of mission or greater cause. You are just doing your part. Rising up with your own field, to be able to hold space together with others who have anchored in the new earth field.

The Power of “Choice” ~ by Vera Ingeborg

The heart always automatically “chooses” the path for the highest outcome to the benefit of you/all. The heart reads and operates from “real-time zero point data”, which means it is always fully present in the now-moment. It is unconditional in all ways, as it does not relate to duality and its “cause and effect”. The ego mind only reads memory/past data/akash and projects it into past and future, creating conditions based on separation and cause and effect. (If this, then that…) I have not done any energetic updates or writings in a long long linear time. Today, I am really pushed to do one, so I guess it is necessary.
