
January Ascension Energies – Courageous Vision ~ Jamye Price

Blessed Beings, it is the time of your path where the blending of your subtle and physical is merging to a new phase of interaction. This potential responds to many facets of information; from collective, to Earthly, to personal. Courageous Conduit You are a constant conduit of information. You receive and emit in every moment. As you actively engage with that process, you become more astute at the flow of information and how it interacts with natural law.

The Orion Wars & Earth Wars ∞The Pleiadian High Council of 7 ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We have experienced wars in our history as a civilization, and none of those wars were as horrific as the Orion Wars. We did participate in the Orion Wars, reluctantly, and when the Orion Empire crumbled, we then looked at ourselves and asked ourselves what they represented within us. We came to realize that we had an ideology that we wanted to spread throughout the galaxy. We thought we knew better than beings on other worlds and in other star systems, and we sought to spread our healing methods and our spiritual teachings throughout the galaxy. The Orion Empire had a similar agenda. They were believing that they had the best interests at heart for the entire galaxy and sought to bring their form of rule to the entire galaxy.

The Shadow Self ∞The Creators ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We know that you all have aspects of yourselves that you feel ashamed of, and we want you all to recognize that you carry those aspects of yourselves with you because you came into this life with a desire to explore certain themes and to heal certain aspects of your human self. So perhaps as a child you stole some candy, and you think of that now as an adult, and you feel ashamed. Or perhaps you have said things to other people that have hurt their feelings, even as an adult, and now you feel ashamed of yourself for having that moment where you allowed yourself to be hurtful to another.

Activate Your Multidimensional Galactic Self ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are here to introduce to more of yourselves. That is our goal in connecting with you in this way. We are offering you a vibration through the channel here that can stimulate and activate that which is Arcturian within you, if you allow it. When you are in the process of recognizing who you really are, you have to go through certain experiences to convince you that what you have come to believe is actually true. 

Introducing The Order of Melchizedek ∞Melchizedek ∞ by Daniel Scranton

This is the time to triumphantly announce who you are to the universe in all the ways that you can do so. You, as a unique aspect of Source Energy, have made a commitment to be yourself, to let loose on this reality all that you are, and you can feel when you are holding yourself back. When you want to tell that person that you love them, but you don’t, you can feel yourself shrinking. When you want to express yourself and give your perspective on something, but you don’t, you can feel yourself diminishing your point of view. And when you feel that, you feel less important, less significant.