Anjie Hipple

About the author

Inspirational Speaker & Medium, The Judah Channel. Anjie is a highly-engaging inspirational speaker with 30+ years of experience as a women's group leader and recording artist. It is her honor now to channel Judah, considered the "Oprah Of The Cosmos," who invites in a veritable A-List of higher- dimensional beings (such as the Archangel Michael) to join in the conversation about human enlightenment, awakening your power, and spiritual wisdom from beyond.

On Greater Perspectives From Other Dimensions ~ Angie

there are many things that are sacred that lack attention, sacred things like the smallest flower growing by the side of the road, or the tiny little corn row toes of a baby, a newborn baby. You see, there's so much that is sacred. And what is sacred does not need to be housed in a cathedral or a sanctuary, but you are the sanctuaries.

Judah’s Purpose ~ Angie

Questioner: As far as light language goes, is each one of those sounds like a word? Pleiadians: We would say that it is not so much like a word as each sound is an entire concept, a conceptual understanding. So probably a more accurate way for you to think of it is that each sound is like unto a detailed how to book on a particular concept. And so as you receive each sound, which to your ears may seem to be like a word, but each one of those sounds is like an entire volume, a complete work on a specific concept. And so when we tell you what the transmission is about, it is a very brief title or description of what is happening. And really it's not important for you to understand all of it, just to receive it.

Stop Worrying And Play The “What If?” Game ~ Angie

It's so good to meet you, new precious ones to make your acquaintance and those who are returning welcome, welcome, be at home, be at rest. We are here to comfort you and lift you up in every way. And you will find that in this evening and in this time, it is not so much about the words that are coming through this vessel for what we are bringing to you in these moments, right here, right now are more than just words. They are the power of angelic realms and source energy.

Exploring & Understanding Light Language Transmissions ~ Angie

Questioner: As far as light language goes, is each one of those sounds like a word? Pleiadians: We would say that it is not so much like a word as each sound is an entire concept, a conceptual understanding. So probably a more accurate way for you to think of it is that each sound is like unto a detailed how to book on a particular concept. And so as you receive each sound, which to your ears may seem to be like a word, but each one of those sounds is like an entire volume, a complete work on a specific concept. And so when we tell you what the transmission is about, it is a very brief title or description of what is happening. And really it's not important for you to understand all of it, just to receive it.

Channeling Bhagwan On Understanding Time & Scripting Your Story ~ Angie

he first step, the first step for third dimensional beings as actors, actors in the film of their story is to begin to understand that their script, their lines are not set in stone. As you know, teach them. They may create their own reality. They may create their own story, their own script for themselves, and may alter the script more to their liking.
