Camillo Loken

About the author

I´m an author and speaker covering topics related to body, mind & soul with a special interest in bridging science & spirituality.​​​​​​​ I grew up as an atheist in a family of physicians. I had no spiritual interest, but all that changed when I reached the age of 41 (more than a decade ago). I became a spiritual seeker and started to expand my consciousness realising that we are all connected and that my life has a purpose as do the lives of everyone else on this planet. Looking back I can now “connect the dots” as Steve Jobs used to say. I see why I had to grow up in the family I did. I can see the purpose behind the different steps in my life leading me to who I am today and what I´m doing. I am married to Synnove – a healer and yoga instructor. We have a daughter and son – both very spiritual.

Impatience = Fear ~ Camillo Loken

What is it about the power of impatience that drives us to “rush” all the time? It’s so easy to get impatient when things don’t go your way. When you don’t get the answer you want. When you are not being heard, acknowledged, seen or appreciated. Or when a process we have started slows down due to lack of input from others. This creates frustration and we become impatient. It is also a sign of lack of faith. We don’t trust ourselves, others and the universe to deliver what we ant in time. Being Impatient is all about fear. Fear of things not moving fast enough according to the timetable we have laid out in our minds. And fear has a low vibration – a low frequency.

Matter, Energy & Consciousness ~ Camillo Loken

You have probably heard people say that «Everything is energy». And some people say that «Consciousness is the foundation of the Universe. It´s everything». And when the French philosopher og mathematician René Descartes split body from mind (and soul) the scientific focus was on body, the physical. On matter. Since then there has been a saying that «matter is all that matters» So which is it? What is saturating our universe? Is consciousness everything? Is energy everything? or Is matter everything?

Spiritual Growth – Camillo Løken

I do believe we all have a higher self which is eager to go to the next vibratory level of creation. If you are awakening now you are probably motivated to connect with higher dimensions/levels (or realms). As such you are probably aiding in raising human consciousness. I know I am and that´s why I provide this blog covering topics related to body, mind and soul.

Telepathy ~ Camillo Loken

Have you ever experienced thinking about someone for no apparent reason and then a few seconds later that person called you?  Or have you ever felt being watched and when you turned round you found someone staring at you? Most people have. Sometimes I have also just started to hum or sing on a certain melody/song – just out of the blue – for no apparent reason. And then when I´ve turned on the radio the exact same melody/song was playing.

Eternity and consciousness ~ Camillo Loken

This article is based on information I accumulated when doing research prior to writing my book The Paradox of Creation. One major contributor was Steve Berg – a leadworker from the UK – who reached out to me many years ago. He experienced creation as a cycle in slow motion. He said it was a mind-blowing experience. For the last 7 years he has been sharing his experience with me. We have exchanged close to 2000 emails during this time. Sometimes many per day. He helped to expand my level of consciousness so I could view creation from a different perspective. In this article I share with you some information about how consciousness is following a cycle and how it needs a finite format in order to exist. It can´t be part of the infinite.

The origin of our Creation and Infinity ~ Camillo Loken

Where do we come from? Mankind has been pondering this question for as long as man has existed. In ancient times man looked to the sky for answers. Many cultures developed a keen sense of how this Universe operates – The Mayan culture being one of them. The predicted how the Universe operated in cycles long before any telescope was invented. But what about our origin? How did this whole Universe start? The Mayans could not tell us that – nor any other culture. When science entered the scene we developed technology which could detect how the Universe is really expanding.

Your Linear and Multiple Self ~ Camillo Loken

In this post I share with you my take on consciousness and how it experiences itself in many different "parts" of this creation.

What you resist persists ~ Camillo Loken

You´ve probably heard the expression what you resist will persist. This is true, because whatever you give your attention to will keep on coming into your life. It´s like a bonfire. It will only keep on burning if you keep adding more logs of wood or other burning material. As soon as you stop adding wood the fire will start to die out. It´s not getting any more energy to keep burning.

Activating Thoughts Of What You Want

Focusing your energy is of utmost important if you want to attract what you want into your life. An in order to stay focused over a sustained period of time it´s also important to be passionate about what you want to achieve. It will help you endure and “move energy” into your reality of matter.

Are You Letting Abundance Into Your Life? ~ Camillo Loken

The great investor, engineer and futurist Nikola Tesla (1856 – 1943) was spot on when he said: ‘If you want to find the secrets of...

Dying – what´s next? ~ by Camillo Loken

I´m writing this blogpost as a tribute to my father. He died two days ago at the age of 84. We are born, we live and we die, but what happens next? Are we gone forever? Is it game over? Do we return to star-dust in the vastness of the Universe with no consciousness? Is this what awaits us? I used to think so because I was raised in a family of physicians – all atheists. But as a teenager I started questioning this view. 30 years later I had an awakening that changed my view about the life and death cycle.

You’re living many lives at the same time ~ by Camillo Loken

We are more than our bodies. We are spiritual beings have a physical experience and we use the human body as our vessel to gain experiences in this three dimensional world of duality and polarity. While we are living our lives in this construct of time and space we are bound by linear time – past, present and future. But time is really an illusion. There is only “one time” – the time of now – the present time.
