Note : All these videos are links to their youtube channel.

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Ina Lukas
My name is Ina (pronounced “eenah”) and I’m a channeler, alchemist and Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher. I believe that part of my journey in this life is having the full spectrum of experiences so that I could gain compassion and understanding for the human experience. I can access a lot of people without judgement because I know what it’s like going through a lot of hard stuff. It is my highest excitement to help people expand, transform, heal, and awaken to the magnificence of who they are. Nothing makes me happier than that. So now I work with people who are ready for a breakthrough to help release their biggest relationship, health, and money issues quickly and easily with Divine Guidance. I work with people from all backgrounds, from corporate executives to stay at home moms. But the common thread is that I work with people who are ready for change. People who are really ready to create a shift in their life. People who have done their work, but are ready to have their blindspots revealed. My unique approach combines playfulness and levity, with laser-focused intuitive skills, allowing people who are ready to create a shift in their life to have fast, fun, life-changing results.