

The 11/11 Energies Are Upon You…Now What? – Daniel Scranton

We are welcoming you to the time of the 11/11 portal, the November 11th energies, and this now moment, which you will use to catapult yourselves into the next phase of your existence there on Earth. The energies are upon you, and the portal is open very, very wide, and you have so much to look forward to now because you are co-creating with these energies. You are co-creating with your higher self, the universe, Source, all other beings in existence. And therefore, when we tell you about your path, and we tell that these energies are about putting you on your path, solidifying your path, helping you get back to your path, we want you to know that the path we are referring to is the one in which you are focused on the evolution of your consciousness first and foremost, which of course leads to your ascension, where you will then have many more paths to choose from.

The 11:11 Gateway to Higher Consciousness ~ Shanta Gabriel

From the beginning of time there have been clear moments when the Portals of Awakening open for individuals to advance. The 11:11 Gateway is a collective, high-vibrational portal opening to assist the evolution of consciousness on the earth at this time. Stepping through the gateway in a figurative sense, allows you to move into your most Evolved Self, in oneness with All That Is. We will offer suggestions and visualizations so your imagination can help you to create a beautiful scenario to empower this Light-filled ritual. You have been coded within for this awakening moment. It is another step in the evolution of consciousness, one with great power and support. The Archangels stand at the gateway to hold you in love while offering you strength and courage to step into your new awakened life.

THE 11/11 ENERGIES ∞ Daniel Scranton

You tune yourself more to what is all around you when you have a date on your calendar like November 11th, and so we and the other beings who send you energies from across the galaxy gather together to explore what it is that you’re anticipating, what it is you’re asking for, and what it is you need, and we blend together a cocktail of all three. We know that there is a desire amongst you who are awakened to rise above what you refer to as ‘the matrix,’ what we often refer to as the third dimension and egoic reality. And so, these energies are about breaking free from what has been expected of you by society, by your friends and family members. This is a time that is right in between the recent equinox and the upcoming solstice, and it is a time for evolution. It is a time for letting go of those expectations that have been placed upon you, whether spoken or unspoken, by society. It is a time when you are shifting from the balancing energies of the equinox to the more creative energies of the solstice.

Creating More Power in Numbers ∞The Creators

One of you is enough. Two of you increases the power exponentially. When you have a desire for something, and there is another in your immediate experience who has the same desire, and you come together with one another to amplify each other’s desire, you have such power. And the power that you have is not a fraction of what it could be if everyone in your world, or in your Universe, shared the same desire. There is no need for everyone to be on board with your desires. They can all have what they want, and you can have what you want because you do not have to experience the same world or the same universe.

Repeating numbers: Find out what they mean

Numbers contain universal energies that can be used to directly communicate messages.  Your guides often encourage you to look up at just the “right time” to acknowledge a particular number pattern that is most relevant to you at that time.  The repetitive nature is what often gets your attention. For those of you who continue to see repeating numbers everywhere you go, here is a description of what each number means.  Know that the repeating of any one number amplifies the energy of that number.