Quan Yin

How to obtain balance : Quan Yin. – Natalie Glasson

Today I wish to speak of how to obtain balance and I am sharing this information because, at the moment, the Creator is encouraging each soul to access the balance vibration within their being. And because this encouragement is coming forth, many of you may be experiencing even more chaos in your being and your reality. You may experience yourself as balanced but when you step off of that energy of balance, you may find that you go from one extreme to the other – maybe an extreme of deep peace to an extreme of chaos, or maybe an extreme of deep happiness to an extreme of deep sadness. If you can imagine yourself walking a tightrope, and the tightrope is your balance, it is as if you’re falling off one side into the extreme of a positive vibration and then you jump back on your tightrope of balance and then you fall off the other side into an extreme of confusion or negativity. You may feel that you are moving through your reality in this way, experiencing extreme positivity, extreme negativity and also a beautiful state of balance. 

Mother Earth’s Treasure by Quan Yin – Natalie Glasson

Greetings, beloved Beings of Light, I am Lady Quan Yin. It is an honour to be in your presence. I enjoy the exchange of energy and light between us. I share with you the vibrations of peace, tranquillity and love. I invite you to receive the energies that I share knowing that this will draw me closer into your energy field, to be of service in your ascension pathway, and the integration of your soul and the Creator more fully with your current embodiment upon the Earth.

Let the Universe Serve You by Lady Quan Yin – Natalie Glasson

Greetings to all beings of light upon the Earth. I am Lady Quan Yin, I come with love and peace to embrace you. I come to empower your soul, and to support the synthesis of your soul, with your physical body and higher aspects of your being. I am here to aid and assist your mastery, supporting you in delving deep within your being to discover the jewels, the gold, the precious qualities you have accepted as your own from and through the Creator. Today I wish to speak of allowing the Universe of the Creator to serve you. Within the Universe of the Creator there are numerous levels and dimensions of energy. There are multiple vibrations and frequencies of light. We can imagine that each light vibration and frequency is represented by a colour and that each holds a sacred and precious quality of the Creator. You can call upon one ray, vibration, frequency or light to pour over and through your being, so that you may absorb the quality of that energy or light vibration. It is almost like absorbing the vitamins and minerals of the Creator to support your own ascension upon the Earth.