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Past Present Future Lives

What You Knew Before You Incarnated on Earth ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We have been noticing that when you raise your vibration as a collective, there is a certain amount of excitement that is generating for you throughout the entire galaxy. Every time we feel an uptick in the overall vibration of the human collective consciousness, we then feel the ripple effect, and it is inspiring. You are there to elevate the consciousness of your fellow humans. That is why you chose to go against the grain in this lifetime and be a part of a minority. The minority we are talking about here is the awakened collective.

Why You Incarnated on Earth ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are continually fascinated by the way that humanity can keep suffering and enduring so much while also maintaining your sense of hope, your quest for joy, and your desire to reach a place of enlightenment. You are the masters who knew that you could handle the harsh conditions of third- and fourth-dimensional Earth, and that is why you were granted the opportunity to experience many lifetimes there. The Earth experience is not a trap, and you’re not stuck there because you forgot that you are Source Energy Beings.

Recovered Memories from Early Childhood & Past Lives ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We have been exploring the different ways that you have of recovering your lost memories, and we have been noticing how successful those of you who are awake have been at accessing that which has been hidden from your consciousness for quite some time. Of course, the forgetting about all of your previous lifetimes is a key component in giving you the experience that you ultimately want to have when starting a new lifetime. Feeling as though you are doing this for the first time provides you with the opportunity to feel your emotions more deeply, and that is why you forget on purpose when you incarnate.

Why are past lives important? ~ Natalija Pavlaković

Inside you is the knowledge of all the incarnations you have experienced. The more negative energy you release, the closer you will be to the experiences of those lives. The spirit world is your true home and the place where you rest between incarnations. This dimension is a resting place for your soul before you decide on a new learning on Earth.

September Energies: Cross-Connecting to Atlantis – Daniel Scranton

We are so very impressed by the way you all have handled the energies of August, and we are very excited to see what you will do with the energies of September, a month that includes an equinox, a balancing of the scales. Many individuals on your world have felt out of balance in some way for quite some time, and more importantly, many individuals have been triggered to specific traumas in previous lifetimes that they are cross-connecting to, but also unaware of the fact that they are accessing those past life traumas. And that’s where the September energies come in to play.