

September Ascension Energies – Preparing the Body ~ Jamye Price

Your Awareness and your adaptability offer reward if you will look deeper into new potentials. Life is fail-safed to Love, that is where the circle begins and ends. There are always potentials that connect more Love to Life, even if the steps between aren’t fully aligned with it. It is not your work to force new creation, but to be available for new creation. You are a vehicle of Life’s creation.

Don’t Fight The Shift ~ Jonathan Trinity Martin

It has been offered to us by the channel, Jonathan, that we may share our perspective on what many of you have termed the shift of consciousness, the great awakening, or the shift to 5D/Fourth density. The 5D Golden Age The semantics of exactly what these terms mean is not so important. What is important is how this transformation of consciousness will effect your everyday lives. And what you can do to effortlessly move into the golden age that this shift signifies the beginning of.

Your Ascension Has Begun…Now What? ∞ by Daniel Scranton

You have already begun your ascension. You have ascended from the third dimension to the fourth, and you are ascending into the fifth, but you are doing so gradually and at your own pace. You do not need to be in any hurry to get there, and you will find that patience comes more easily to you when you are in a state of trust, when you have faith that you are ascending, and so is everyone else. 

August Ascension Energies – Foundations ~ Jamye Price

You are Life in human form. Utilize your divine creative birthright and let your beingness flow into life on Earth. It does this anyway, for your subtle bridge is always communicating to Life. But as you consciously focus in ways that are resonant with the subtle realm, your power is amplified. Life is unconditional. Yet you live in the realm of conditions. This is a function of Time.

July Ascension Energies – Integration ~ Jamye Price

As you rest, you reset. Though your eyes don’t easily see it. Each moment is new and continued through you. To perceive the potentials, let your integration breathe. Life will always speak to you through your impulses when you breathe potential in. Integrating Movement This is not a time of pure rest, for there is much changing. It is a time of the tipping point pausing in mid-air as the gravity of life continues its natural flow.