Hope Fitzgerald

About the author

Hope is a Teacher, Coach, Healer, Infinity Waver, End-of-Life Midwife. ​ Since her spiritual awakening at the Findhorn Foundation in 1976, Hope has been a dedicated seeker of truth, healing, and wisdom. For decades, she's been opening her channel to higher guidance through Intuitive Dowsing, and her Spiritual Teaching and Coaching with this tool has helped people transform their lives. In 2010, Hope received a series of visions: first, a massive wave on its way to Earth, representing an incoming evolutionary push for the planet, which ultimately morphed into a standing figure "8" made of flowing water. Through dowsing, it was revealed that this moving geometry was a 10th-dimensional energetic tool called the Infinity Wave, sent to us by a benevolent Universe to more quickly and easily transform pain and suffering into joy and freedom during tumultuous times (which are upon us now). Hope then launched the Wave Energy Center for Conscious Evolution, dedicated to applying the Infinity Wave for positive, expansive development of the individual, the community, and the Earth. Hope has led many workshops and appeared on dozens of international internet and radio shows, continuing to fulfill her mission to encourage individual and planetary awakening around the globe. ​ ​Hope also offers her services as an energy healer, a certified Neurofeedback Practitioner, and a Death Doula, incorporating sound, Reiki, and essential oils into her work. In addition, she guides intimate groups to potent areas around the world, including Peru, Easter Island, South Africa, France, England, Ireland, Wales, and various U.S. locations. During these spiritual adventures, she teaches ways to communicate with the landscapes, believing that when the powerhouse of the human heart interacts with a highly-charged site, an alchemy occurs that is guaranteed to cause a shift in consciousness. She serves as a faculty member of GodSelf University.

Exploring Our Purpose ~ Hope Fitzgerald

My dearest brothers and sisters, I am here today to inform you of your purpose. Since there are so many questions on this topic, it seems appropriate to provide an answer. Could there be a single answer for everyone? Yes, and no. Of course, you each have your own particular role to play, but there is an overarching purpose for every soul as well: You have come here as emissaries of the Divine - this means you are the embodiment of All That Is in the flesh, just as I once was.

A Heart In Service. ~ Hope Fitzgerald

Greetings, Wavy One, and welcome to June! And what an eventful week! Not only have there been 2 fascinating interviews (see below), but I've had wonderful calls with many of you from around the world - thank you for sharing your beautiful hearts and souls with me! Throughout the sessions, a single theme has emerged that seems to be on many people's minds: Service and Purpose. So, I wanted to address this today... Let’s talk about finding our own quiet spot in the middle of all that noise. Together, we’ll explore a special practice today - meditation - and why it’s becoming essential in our day-to-day life, offering peaceful moments even on the busiest days. Ready to explore this quiet journey together?

Find Your Quiet: 10 Reasons to Start Meditating Today!.. ~ Hope Fitzgerald

Ever feel like the world is just too loud sometimes? Let’s talk about finding our own quiet spot in the middle of all that noise. Together, we’ll explore a special practice today - meditation - and why it’s becoming essential in our day-to-day life, offering peaceful moments even on the busiest days. Ready to explore this quiet journey together?

Spring’s Healing Pace… ~ Hope Fitzgerald

As a backdrop behind the frenzied speed of our current lives, the momentum of Spring is a slow-moving surge, relentlessly pushing ever forward in tiny increments as Nature reliably transitions us into the next iteration of Life. When I was a kid, everyone walked to school. I lived a mile away and so it took a long time for my short legs to carry me with my stack of books and paraphernalia. To occupy my mind along the way, I would talk to my friends about the trees, bushes, and rock walls. Though I believe it's been going on for some time, we're now fully aware that we're sharing our world with this entity called AI, and will soon (if not already) be unable to distinguish between what's real and what's created for our consumption; news and other media may be enhanced or entirely fabricated and we wouldn't even know it.

Why Authenticity Matters Now… ~ Hope Fitzgerald

On my long daily walks, I've been giving a lot of thought to this issue of Authenticity and why it matters now more than ever. Though I believe it's been going on for some time, we're now fully aware that we're sharing our world with this entity called AI, and will soon (if not already) be unable to distinguish between what's real and what's created for our consumption; news and other media may be enhanced or entirely fabricated and we wouldn't even know it.

Water’s Mysteries… ~ Hope Fitzgerald

I hope your Thanksgiving celebrations were warm and happy - mine certainly were. 🙂 As we near the end of November, I've been thinking a lot about the many layers of Unity Consciousness... This month we've explored Wholeness within oneself as well as with each other and, of course, the Earth.

From tolerance to unity… how do we get there? ~ Hope Fitzgerald

I hope your Thanksgiving celebrations were warm and happy - mine certainly were. 🙂 As we near the end of November, I've been thinking a lot about the many layers of Unity Consciousness... This month we've explored Wholeness within oneself as well as with each other and, of course, the Earth.

From tolerance to unity… how do we get there? ~ Hope Fitzgerald

I've been grappling with some ideas that I feel compelled to share and will tell you right now that they may push us against the edges of your comfort zones. But, it's for a higher purpose... Unity Consciousness. Because isn't this where we want to go? Isn't the new world we envision based on LOVE for our fellow humans and the natural world? Does that dream even seem possible these days? Ever the optimist, I say a resounding YES! But, we're not going to get there without some personal adjustments first. So, hang in there with me and, as always, feel free to drop any idea that does not serve you.

What Can Mud Do For You? ~ Hope Fitzgerald

Last week I was blessed to be in northern California for a beautiful family wedding in the redwoods, which was food for the soul on many levels. (What could be better than celebrating love amongst the giants??) Whenever I'm in the vicinity, I always extend my trip to include a visit to Calistoga for a bit of fangotherapy (otherwise known as a mud bath), which I discovered in my early 20's and have been running back for ever since - that's how good they are. If you've never been, it involves lowering your body into a tub filled with a mixture of locally harvested volcanic ash, mineral-rich, 104 degree geothermal water, and peat moss. Ahhh.... Can you feel the progression? To be open to awe leads to being inspired to fulfill what makes the heart sing! (But that's only the beginning...) Interestingly, this sequence times out perfectly with all the planets emerging out of retrograde and moving forward, giving us that extra momentum to place a stake in the ground for doing/being what we love. Now might be the time to get out those watercolors out of the drawer or sign up for dance classes or adopt a pet, or book a trip to a wild place you've always wanted to visit or...? Or even do something that scares you, just a little bit.

What makes your heart sing?~ Hope Fitzgerald

Our monthly themes have gone from Wonder in December to Inspiration in January and now it's time for Passion. Can you feel the progression? To be open to awe leads to being inspired to fulfill what makes the heart sing! (But that's only the beginning...) Interestingly, this sequence times out perfectly with all the planets emerging out of retrograde and moving forward, giving us that extra momentum to place a stake in the ground for doing/being what we love. Now might be the time to get out those watercolors out of the drawer or sign up for dance classes or adopt a pet, or book a trip to a wild place you've always wanted to visit or...? Or even do something that scares you, just a little bit.

WE’ve got clear skies ahead. ~ Hope Fitzgerald

First, I want to thank all those who joined the special Equinox Channeling Salon - it was so great to experience the turning of the year with you! We received much warmth and wisdom from our three etheric visitors that night. For those who missed it, please enjoy the recording HERE. Second, the Infinite Wisdom call with psychic Brian Seth Hurst last Wednesday was fantastic and I encourage you to listen HERE. His honest discussion about his personal evolution was authentic, moving and inspiring. When I asked Brian about what he sees for the future, his response was a lot like what I've been experiencing: there's just so much (digital) noise that it's very hard to perceive what's ahead, but that doesn't mean we stop imagining a world we wish to see. The trick is to get quiet enough...   "...you can live your life in one of two ways; according to circumstances or according to a vision." From a dualistic framework, it may seem like the choice is 'either/or': Victim of Circumstance OR Designer of Life through Visioning...  But to me - and perhaps for you - it's been a combination of the two that have shaped my life. Yup, it's another...

Dream it! ~ Hope Fitzgerald

Feeling Inspired yet? As we learned during the Infinity Circle last Monday (recording HERE), the astrology of 2023 will crank up the pace of life, especially after the 21st when the retrograded planets will all finally be direct.  Fortunately, we still have a few days to gather ourselves before this new launch of energy. (All I can say is, fasten your seatbelts!) If you’re feeling any urgency, that’s good because our time for definitively choosing what’s right/wrong for us is here.  We’ve been preparing for this for the last few years and now the first ripples of the Aquarian Age are upon us, even before Pluto moves into Aquarius in March. Why such a fuss about what Pluto's up to? Because when Pluto moves around, big changes tend to happen. Evolutionary changes that affect life forever. (If you listen to the Infinity Circle recording, you'll hear what I mean.) Insight Astrology puts it this way: "Pluto rules, or perhaps represents, the cycle of life, death and rebirth in the universe. As human beings, born with an innate tendency towards attachment, we revere this cycle but we also greatly fear it.  The principle of Pluto is essential. Without death there can be no life. The process of decay is what creates the soil that nourishes the seed. Mythologically, we see Pluto in the tale of the phoenix rising from the ashes, in the symbolism of the easter egg and in the Christian idea of being ‘born again’. Pluto brings us very close to this process and this can be painful.
