

The Earthquakes in Turkey & Syria ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are here to project our energy and our consciousness upon you there on planet Earth. We are here to give you a perspective that can and will help you to live lives of beauty, joy, creativity, love, peace and wonder. You can tap in to our energy, even when we are not coming through the channel here. We make ourselves available to each and every one of you, and we do show up even more in times of trauma and tragedy there on planet Earth. We know that many people have died in Turkey and in Syria, and we know that the earthquakes seem to imply that you all need to be shaken awake. But they are not about that.

Be the Solution to Greed & Violence ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are very aware of the relationships that we have to other beings and collectives, and we are also very aware of the relationships we have with different concepts, different ideas that we come across in our travels. We understand how our relationship to greed, for example, has evolved over time. Now when we witness greed, we see a person who feels empty, feels mortal, feels powerless, and does not know who they really are. And so, the accumulation of wealth and stuff helps that individual to soothe their own suffering, their own unease with their existence.

The November 11th (11/11) Portal is Open – Daniel Scranton

We are very happy to announce that the November 11th portal is wide open already and already delivering to you the energies that you need at this time. The energies coming through this portal are about helping people to get back on their true path. They are about helping to stabilize the paths of those who are already on their true path. They are about illuminating the true path for those who have yet to find theirs.

Your Problems Are Not Too Small for Us – Daniel Scranton

We are very happy to discuss anything at all with each and every one of you, privately. When you reach out to us, and please do not hesitate to do so, know that we do not see anything you are living as trivial or unimportant from our lofty perch here in the ninth dimension. We see everything that you find to be significant, significant. We are not looking at certain aspects of the illusion of physical reality as more important than others, and we know that everything you are living affects you emotionally, whether you feel those emotions or not, consciously. And we also know how important and impactful your emotions are on everything.

Make All Your Problems Melt Away – Daniel Scranton

We are very interested in the way a human being becomes enlightened there on Earth. We are interested in the process that must take place in order for this to happen. Many of you have heard of the idea of the death of the ego, the dark night of the soul, so to speak. Others who have had addictions recognize the power of hitting rock bottom, and many awakenings have occurred from the pit of despair, but it doesn’t have to go that way.