Brad Johnson

About the author

From psychic ability, channeling, healing, spiritual teaching, dream interpretation, the Akashic Records and more; Brad Johnson has developed these abilities to better understand how reality interacts with us on a personal and collective level. Brad has shared his full circle knowledge with people from all over the world reflecting his empowering spiritual journey for over a decade. Brad shows us how we can form an intuitive relationship with the reflections of reality so that we can attract outcomes that serve our true aligned nature. Brad holds a natural conscious ability to connect with what could be called the higher mind, higher self or universal consciousness. He refers to this as the "Higher Mind State" as Brad possesses a natural ability to perceive and convey universal knowledge on a wide variety of subjects. Brad is also the personal channel of the multidimensional consciousness known as Adronis. Like many other popular channels such as Esther Hicks, channeler of Abraham, or Jane Roberts, who once channeled Seth, Brad's channeled information through Adronis has been expressed through many of his clients as "one of the most informative, authentic, transformative and revolutionary self-empowering experiences offered online!" Based in Victoria, BC, Canada, Brad has developed his vast skill-set to assist thousands of people from around the world for nearly a decade of his life. Receiving downloads from higher states of consciousness within his dream state on a regular basis since 2008, Brad's ability to navigate you through divine, psychic guidance is uniquely exceptional. Through these skill-sets developed over the years, Brad has founded a whole new approach to how one is able to utilize all of these abilities to become a Reality Whisperer. Brad is also the founder of a new energy healing method called "Light Circuitry Attunements." He is also an author, an international metaphysical public speaker and researcher.Brad Johnson has appeared on a wide variety of media from all over the world. His knowledge and wisdom shared with others is unlike any other spiritual facilitator. Brad holds a deep quickening of understanding the entire spectrum of spirituality and consciousness. His methods as a catalyst of transformation are unique and complimentary as he is capable of working with anybody to help them discover the true greatness they hold from within...

Naturally Keeping Yourself Warm With the Tummo Technique ~ Brad Johnson

Tummo represents a technique performed within meditation to sustain, and in some cases, increase your natural body temperature keeping you immune to the effects of cold climate. This is a technique that I have not only mastered but have also taught to others.

What is the Nature of our “Immortal Soul?” ~ Brad Johnson

We acknowledge your query. The idea of the soul is that is a manuscript, shall we say, that calls out a specific path to the affair of what lives in this realm you know as physical represents. In a way, it does represent that which is everlasting, but remember also that is too represents archetype. A mainframe of consciousness if you will. For it is a matrix and an manuscript that holds deeds that must be fulfilled. Upon fulfillment comes change into a new application of theme. A theme beyond comprehension that words of your usage cannot describe. For the soul has an orientation of tasks that are cyclic in completion. Much to how a caterpillar will emerge from its cocoon metamorphized into another aspect of creation, so too will your soul upon the intricacies of its nature and deeds upon its make are reached. The soul is in combination the mind patterned with energy. Patterned by the gods of your own make in levels of consciousness unseen. Upon its completion, the essence that you are will become more beyond definition can describe. This is what can be shared regarding the eternity and make of one’s soul. We have been raised to believe that our own ego is a natural process of human existence. That its own nature in conditioning its host, destabilizing our own mental and emotional states, and placing a great deal of endless ridicule and conditions is a very ‘normal’ process that we go through. According to the masters of the ancient times, this is completely incorrect. The ego is nothing more than an unnatural implant that exists within us. It is within our own genetic makeup and wired directly into our brain.

The Ego: An Inorganic Implant Within Us ~ Brad Johnson

For many thousands of years, the ancient sages and mystics have spoken of demons and parasites within us. Though these demons spoken of do not exist as some form of external being, but rather the demon that resides within every single one of us born through a woman upon the Earth. This demon is referred to as the ego. We have been raised to believe that our own ego is a natural process of human existence. That its own nature in conditioning its host, destabilizing our own mental and emotional states, and placing a great deal of endless ridicule and conditions is a very ‘normal’ process that we go through. According to the masters of the ancient times, this is completely incorrect. The ego is nothing more than an unnatural implant that exists within us. It is within our own genetic makeup and wired directly into our brain.

Adronis on Surpassing the Layer of Free Will (Channeled Writing) ~ Brad Johnson

As free will could be seen as a layer or veil of confusion, the capability of what is known within that veil is based upon the belief systems of the host as they exist within a free will matrix… But is there a way for such a veil to be transcended so that a human being may experience all within creation past such layers in this very lifetime? The feeling of being stuck can feel exhausting. One who feels like they don't have any energy left to keep walking this path may sense the need to collapse and not want to move again. But the idea here is that you are not stuck, you are exhausted, and there is a big difference between the two. The feeling of being stuck would relate to a hesitation in making a decision. You do realize there's a fork in the road ahead, but you become uncertain of where to walk. However, this too is an illusion. One that we will discuss shortly.

You have never been stuck… Only walking against the grain. ~ Brad Johnson

For many, a common question has been "I'm stuck in life, and I don't know where to go. How do I get unstuck?" The feeling of being stuck can feel exhausting. One who feels like they don't have any energy left to keep walking this path may sense the need to collapse and not want to move again. But the idea here is that you are not stuck, you are exhausted, and there is a big difference between the two. The feeling of being stuck would relate to a hesitation in making a decision. You do realize there's a fork in the road ahead, but you become uncertain of where to walk. However, this too is an illusion. One that we will discuss shortly.

The Empty Absolute (A message of Realization).~ Brad Johnson

In absolute, there is mystery contained within the shadows that we not yet contemplate. The emptiness that we discard as nothing, holds the greatest secret to ourselves. We become moths seeking only the light escaping the darkness that is our template to reach salvation and understanding. Should light not be what we seek? No, for it is impossible to be sought.

Advancement, not Ascension. Unity, not separation.~ Brad Johnson

Ascension is not really the thing that's happening here. It is advancement. The ability to advance into an awareness of multidimensionality. Existing parallel to other realities that become one with the reality you are a part of now. An idea of mastering the ego and aligning it in harmony together with you so you can walk the Earth and experience the multi-faceted understandings of yourself as a vivid being of connection and unity.

Life Aspects: Experiencing Each Other Through the Reality Body ~ Brad Johnson

The reality body is the term used to look at the shared space/time continuum that we all interact with. It is the body of nature and all life objectively. We see the reality body all around us. A reality not of meaning or purpose, but the grand body of reality that is looked at neutrally perceived through actuality. It is the bonding of a soul into the reality body that such a soul experiences their instances based upon the coherent energy of that soul. For example, one who may end up having a 'rough morning' may start interacting with their reality body by spilling coffee on themselves, getting drenched by a passing car spraying a puddle of water on them, tripping over their shoelace, etc. The reality body represents the prop reality that presents the challenges through the coherency that this person is going through this particular morning. In other words: the reality body is the stage, and the actor is bringing the props on stage to life through their own attitude, behavior and mentality causing their reality body to react in a certain way.

Adronis: The Sirians and Their Origins ~ Brad Johnson

We will say that our race was guided to take refuge upon this galactic nexus, or what you would understand as a star system. If we were to overlay a chronological point to the existence of our people within the star of what you know as Sirius A, you would understand this taking place approximately, 6.5 millions years in your past through the current anchored date of your 2017 year. Our functioning in how we live upon a planet would be no more different than how your indigenous ancestors would exist upon it. There is alliance. There is harmony to all forms of life existing upon the planetoid makeup, in a way. We did engineer the planet to some extent, yet this was a planet that was, shall we say, provided to us by ancestors that we share in common ground. Genetically we are related to these ancestors. Our splicing of genetic habitation enabled a comfortable and compatible way of us living upon this world.

Going Beyond the Creator Sandbox ~ Brad Johnson

Throughout a great majority of the spiritual and philosophical circles, we have heard a vast amount of sharing relating to our power as a creator. Yes, it is indeed true that the capability to create and align to that which is inspirational, passionate and honest to ourselves is possible. In fact, there is no greater being than the human being who has the power to create worlds, galaxies, dimensions and universes all through the power of thoughts and feelings.

What does a Liberated Human Being look like? ~ Brad Johnson

Throughout the thousands of years of spiritual insight, education and enlightenment passed down from master to pupil, is there a generalized understanding on how a human being who has reached personal liberation may appear to the rest of the world? A liberated human being is as unique as any other on this planet, yet you will notice certain characteristics (or lack there of) when it comes to one who has deeply worked upon themselves inwardly:

The Ability to be Immune from all Illness ~ Brad Johnson

As one experiences an illness within their life, does this have anything to do with vulnerabilities that they have on emotional, mental or spiritual levels that have brought this illness into life within themselves? First, one must understand what an illness is. It is not something that is simply physical, although it relates to that as a virus, bacteria, parasite, pathogen, etc. You must understand that working together with all bodies is the essence of developing a solid immunity towards all things harmful. In short, one could say, yes, that the idea of illness is caused by neglectfulness, emotional issues, mental obstruction and spiritual lack.
