HomeChanneled BeingArchangels Raphael

Archangels Raphael

Archangel Raphael Channeling – Divine Service ~ Jonathan Trinity Martin

Archangel Raphael Channeling. Hello and welcome you fine beings of divine consciousness. For I am Archangel Raphael. King of the dominion of love and healing. And I do not take this title with a grain of salt. It is the role ordained on me by the God head creator King him/her self. For we are all one in essence and while we have different roles to play in creation we are equal as sum parts of the whole. It is a journey of joy and love in our hearts. And if you are missing this it is through your own error alone. No-one else’s. So we shall answer your question in good timing, however, first we should like to point out the error in your question. There is no one reality outside of you. There are many realities within you. The world you see around you is created within your consciousness moment to moment. The question really is – what reality do you wish to shift into. A reality with one extraterrestrial civilisation, 10, 100, more? So there are likely probabilities of where your civilisation is going at this time. Due to collective beliefs, experiences people are having and coming back with stories from and what people are picking up from others. You are collectively shaping your dream reality that you call Earth together.

Exercised Compassion ~ Adria Wind

This is Raphael, Angel Raphael. So we speak next about how to manage sadness that arises. It's a tinge of compassion, but also that deep sorrow that comes on you here of another's loss. In other words, if there are those "misfortunate"—where something happens in their life that you feel unjust or unfair, and you know it's not your place to go ride in and save them. Or perhaps you're in another country or in another circumstance where you feel you cannot make change for that person as unjust as it is. What do you do with this overwhelming sense of sorrow, of lack of wholeness, this feeling of lack of wholeness in how the world sometimes operates towards one or another of your friends, your fellow people on Earth, whether you know them or not, that you feel in your heart space that you have love for them, regardless of whether you have met in person.

The Presence of Everything by Archangel Raphael~ by Natalie Glasson

The Creator begins within each of us Such a profound statement when you accept its truth, explore it deeply and live from this understanding. When you are unwilling to recognise the Creator within, you are believing that the Creator is initiated through others, whether inner plane light beings or physical people. The Creator is your origin. All openings and awakenings of any form are born from the Creator.

Angel Conversations: Celebrating Our New Freedom ~ Adria Wind

What a time to be alive! In the last few months, the angels have been talking a lot about freedom—the newfound freedom of humans. Adjusting to this very new reality can feel in turns delightful and confusing, and the angels have specific messages and guidance for us about what is going on energetically on the planet, and with us, and how best to navigate our new freedoms.