
What the Shift in Consciousness is Really About ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are so very grateful for all of you who receive our transmissions and reach out to us with your desires and with your intention to connect. We appreciate each and every one of you, and we know that this is a beautiful relationship that didn’t just begin in this lifetime for all of you. This is something that we have experienced for quite some time, and so have you, because we got to know all of you at some other point in our journey and your journeys. Everyone in the universe is connected and has some sort of history with each other.

The Orion Wars & Earth Wars ∞The Pleiadian High Council of 7 ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We have experienced wars in our history as a civilization, and none of those wars were as horrific as the Orion Wars. We did participate in the Orion Wars, reluctantly, and when the Orion Empire crumbled, we then looked at ourselves and asked ourselves what they represented within us. We came to realize that we had an ideology that we wanted to spread throughout the galaxy. We thought we knew better than beings on other worlds and in other star systems, and we sought to spread our healing methods and our spiritual teachings throughout the galaxy. The Orion Empire had a similar agenda. They were believing that they had the best interests at heart for the entire galaxy and sought to bring their form of rule to the entire galaxy. 

A Healing for All of Humanity ∞The Pleiadian High Council of 7 ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We know so many of you are interested in the art and the science of healing, and we know that when you can heal yourselves, you can help others to heal, and you can heal Mother Earth as well. We know this because we have done it on our worlds in the Pleiades and with ourselves. We have also witnessed many great healers there on Earth, and we understand the healing process. We understand what it takes in order to find yourself in a body that is completely healthy. We know that many of you are interested in being healers because you want to be of service to others, and that is wonderful. What you really want to experience is alignment within yourselves. 

In and Out of the Flow - The Pleiadians – Nora

Take a breath and tune into yourself. Settle into your body, and just check in quickly here with yourself. How are you? How are you feeling right in this moment? And where do you notice any emotions or sensations that you’re processing? Where do you notice them echoing in your body? Where do you have a visceral experience of your feeling state as you allow yourself to feel, whatever it is you need to feel right now without judgment?

Living Through Accelerated Change and Jumping Into The New – The Pleiadians – Nora

Think about this word, repair. You can break it up into two words there, Re Pair. So often you think of repair as fixing, but have a look at it a bit differently right now. Re-pair, as in re-partner with yourself first, a new way of connecting with the self, partnering and collaborating within a more advanced way, in fact of allowing the 3rd and 5th dimensional operating systems to begin collaborating with each other, that then allow for more dramatic results in your day-to-day life, in your world personally and collectively.