

Say ‘Yes’ to St. Germain’s Offer ∞ St. Germain ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are very capable of sending out energies that will encourage people to look within themselves more frequently for whatever it is they feel is lacking in their lives. And this does not interfere with your spiritual development, but rather, it is a catalyst for all of you to be more spiritually inclined. It is easy to get caught up in what is going on out there in the quote/unquote ‘real world,’ but it is also good for people to remember the real world is an illusion, a projection of their own consciousness. But when you go within, you find the truth, you find the real you, the real reality, and that’s why it’s so important for those like us to encourage you not only with our words, but also with our energy transmissions. And we do encourage you to go within often. 

The 11/11 Energies & What They’ll Do ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We have some very good news for all of you there on Earth. As always, help is on the way. You are undoubtedly aware of the 11/11 date on your calendar, and you know that November 11th brings with a portal that you can receive energies through. The energies coming to you now are for support and to assist you in stabilizing yourselves on all levels and in all possible ways. We are talking about mental and emotional stability of course, but we are also talking about aligning your chakras, aligning all of your bodies, and aligning you to the help of Mother Earth that is coming up from her core.

November Ascension Energies – Following the Heart ~ Jamye Price

Blessed Beings, as you move through a time of deep change you are called to hold your powerful vision of potential for humanity. The most valuable of changes occurs within your energetic physicality, for that communicates the subtle into the physical. Heart Vision We focus often on the heart because it is your engine of connection. It is your bridge of heaven meets earth. It is your mechanism into the zero point of neutrality within your energetic system. Your heart is how you create with the subtle and physical merged as one. As you are observing, being and doing, you are creating.

The November 2024 Energies & How They Affect You ∞ St. Germain ∞ by Daniel Scranton

I am here now to tell you about the energies of the month of November on your world. This is a time of great change, great transformation, and you are being supported in transforming yourselves, transforming your perspectives. You are not there to take something that is bad and make it good. You are there to transform yourselves and your point of view so that you see it all as good, all as God, as of Source. And the energies coming in for the month of November are to support you in that.

Introducing Quan Yin: Ascended Master & The Divine Feminine ∞Quan Yin, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

I am happy to introduce you to the Divine Feminine Essence that is within each and every one of you, regardless of your gender. You are meant to know yourselves as multidimensional, multifaceted beings of light and love, and so of course you are more than just your physical human body. You are the essence that animates that physical human body of yours. You are there now on Earth witnessing the rise of the Divine Feminine in your society. You are there to experience the power of the Divine Feminine as well as the power of the Divine Masculine. I am not here to tell you that the Divine Feminine is better than the Divine Masculine, but certainly it is equal to the Divine Masculine.