

The Hybrid Children & You ∞Thymus ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We do see you there on Earth, living your lives, searching for your happiness and your truth, and we do attempt to advise you as best we can, but we also know that the best advice you can get does come in real time and it comes from within you. We do know that you are often cut off and shut off from that internal guidance, either by choice, or because you have gotten distracted by something that is happening out there in the world that seems so much more important. You of course were taught at a young age to value the intellect over the intuition, and what you want to do now is to value both equally. 

What Lies Within the Star Children ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are determined to play our part in the evolution of consciousness there on Earth, just as we know that many humans are determined to play their parts and help in whatever ways that you can. We know that you all recognize the potential that exists within each child to make Earth a better place. We know that you all know that the children who are coming in are quite different than all the children of all previous generations.

What Lies Within the Star Children – Daniel Scranton

We are determined to play our part in the evolution of consciousness there on Earth, just as we know that many humans are determined to play their parts and help in whatever ways that you can. We know that you all recognize the potential that exists within each child to make Earth a better place. We know that you all know that the children who are coming in are quite different than all the children of all previous generations.

Your Hybrid Children Are Coming ∞ Daniel Scranton

We are very pleased to announce that there have been more hybrid children orbiting your planet in ships over these past several months. Some of you who are receiving this transmission right now know that you have hybrid children, and you have been very eager to meet them. They are very eager to meet you as well and to show their love and appreciation for you, as they would not exist without you. They are getting ready to integrate into your society, which puts you one step closer to full and open physical e.t. contact.

Targeting the Future ~ Kryon ~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

I'm going to discuss something very esoteric now, and many will say, "bring it on." However, you have no understanding of the reality of it. It is something you didn't expect, which is here and available for you. It has to do with the way you perceive yourself, your galaxy, your universe, and your reality - and it has to do with time. How would you describe time to a child who asks, "Please tell me, what is time?" It is a difficult thing, is it not, to describe time to a child. You might say, "Well, it's the ticks of the clock." Then the child will ask, "And what does that mean? The ticks are only sounds." Then you might say, "It's about the space between the ticks," and the child doesn't want to hear any more. It's not making sense.