Trudi Hsu

About the author

My main mission and goal is to bring the message of Ra collective to the ends of the world. However, this Ra Collective is not the Ra Collective who shared the Law Of One. A year ago, Ra Ha Sha from the Ra Collective suggested I channel him. Today, I channel not only the Ra Collective but Emmanuel, an aspect of Jesus and Archangels, especially Archangel Azrael. I am a reiki master and also volunteer at a Hospice. I trust my message and personal readings will bring you all closer to the Divine and the path of ascension to fourth density.

A chat with Ra Collective ~ Trudi Hsu

Ra, what is time line? There was one session where you told me I have three paths going forward. That it does not matter which paths I took, I will arrive at the same goal. As you know, I got into this "new age" field recently. Even then, I am more stuck with mysticism and things related. Like metaphysics, physics which all explore that realm of things not seen with our eyes.  Which physicists arrive at with mathematical equations. None of which make any sense to me for I am not a mathematician.

Power of Silence and prayer ~ Trudi Hsu

For a while now, I often thought of Ramana Maharishi. He taught by silence. People went to him, sat silently with him and came away with benefits. I thought, how much I like to have that, to be able to do good that way. But one has to reach that level to be able to do it. I know I am not there because my ego is still very much alive and I am not free from attachment.

The Absolute ~ Trudi Hsu

Nisargadatta, I am trying to get into his writing, I am that. I believe he is the one who said something to the effect of, I am a simple man, I have little education. He stayed in his house above the streets all through his house, visitors from all over the world cramped into his humble lodgings. Do not hang my photo, do not make me a god, he said. That is what struck me about these Indian mystics of the early 1900's, they have little education but possessed the ultimate truth.

Trudi Hsu

Note : All these videos are links to their youtube channel.
