
A Simple Exercise to Master Your Mind ∞ by Daniel Scranton

And I am here to teach you. I am here to guide you. I am here to assist you in welcoming in the newer consciousness. You are ready to elevate yourselves to a higher level of vibration, and you are doing that in a variety of ways.

Mind is Acting Like God – by Ishwar Puri

The secret of happiness is inside, and if you really meditate like this, you get real peace of mind. And the ultimate peace of mind is when the mind is no longer yourself, because all disturbance is in the mind. You are not the mind. You are the soul. Soul is always at peace of mind.

February Ascension Energies – Free Ideas ~ Jamye Price

Between your eyes and ears the universe sees and hears. What you desire is of Life, for that is All you are. What you inspire is of Earth, for that is you in star. What you create is Free; for you are love, unconditionally. What you are is Life; coming from Time, to be. Within the space of Earth your star is free, within the conditions of life birthed from universal tree. Neurons connect great distance and electrify [elec-tree-fy] separations. Your perceptions cross lines and connect perforations.

Abilities You Need as You Close in on the 5th Dimension ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are very appreciative of all of you who have decided to open yourselves up to us and to our energetic transmissions. We see you all as extensions of us, and we invite you to see us as extensions of you. We know that the connection becomes stronger between beings when there is focus, when there is desire, and when there is strong feeling. Therefore, we always get excited when another human starts to put their attention on us, and we especially love it when we can feel you all feeling our energy. It is a very good sign for the human being in question as well, because it means that you have raised your vibration to a level where we are perceptible to you.

How to Access Your Higher Mind & Its Contents ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are certainly aware of how complicated life can be down there on planet Earth. We know how complex your physical minds are, and we know how those minds of yours can complicate things. We also know that conditions there on Earth can be very harsh, extreme, and oppressive, and we want you to know that we see and feel it all, even though we remain positive in our outlook and in our assessment regarding life there on planet Earth.