

You Are Multi-Dimensional Beings ∞ Daniel Scranton

We have awakened within humanity a sense of who you are as ninth-dimensional beings, and we have done this through the sending of a particular frequency through these transmissions. You are capable of feeling the different dimensions inside of you. Dimensions are not places that you go. They are not different realities. You have terms for parallel universes, alternate realities, different timelines. Dimensions are not any of those things. You are multi-dimensional. You are multi-faceted. You are more than just your name, birthdate, social security number, body, income, political affiliation, and so on.

Join Our Multidimensional Galactic Collective ∞ Daniel Scranton

We are looking to extend invitations throughout the galaxy to all beings who would like to join us in the creation of a multidimensional galactic collective that stands for peace, unity, creativity, truth, and unconditional love. We have been exploring this possibility for quite some time, and we can sense that now is the perfect time to form this collective of physical and nonphysical beings from all across the galaxy who want to be a part of something bigger than themselves, who want to interact with beings and collectives that are very different from who they are, and who want to be of service.

Who you are ~ Kryon ~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

You have to start understanding that there is more than just an overlap between science and spirituality. It is actually the same study. It's a sign of the times that, within your reality, even the most scientific Humans are often saying, "We see some kind of an intelligence in the Universe that has affected all of us. We don't understand how it works and we don't know why, but it has to be there because of the logic of what we are actually observing." This statement refers to the older idea that randomness and chance created everything, yet this is now being seen as impossible. It also gives new urgency to the question, "Who are you, really?"

You Are Multi-Dimensional ∞ Daniel Scranton

We have awakened within humanity a sense of who you are as ninth-dimensional beings, and we have done this through the sending of a particular frequency through these transmissions. You are capable of feeling the different dimensions inside of you. Dimensions are not places that you go. They are not different realities. You have terms for parallel universes, alternate realities, different timelines. Dimensions are not any of those things.