Shanta Gabriel

About the author

Shanta Gabriel has been an energy healer for over 40 years. As an author and teacher, her life is devoted to Bridging Heaven and Earth by embodying and teaching about Divine Light. She began her studies with an Indian Shaktipat master of the ancient Science of Sound in 1977, Dhyanyogi Madhusudandas. It is from this initiation, with the inspired ancient practices that she received and has used for 40 years, that makes up the transmissions she offers to others in her programs. Her work with the Archangels began in 1988. She shares this work through alignment, immersion, and transmissions from the Archangels through her classes, membership groups and private sessions. Her mission is to facilitate and invite people into a direct experience of Infinite Intelligence and Divine Love. From the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 more Divine Light has descended to the Earth than ever in history, creating the greatest awakening of consciousness of all time. Since 2012 the dimensions have been shifting to allow all of us more access to the realms of Light where we can receive more Illumination, Peace, Love and Wellbeing. This often requires a new way of perceiving the world that we are living in, one that allows for the magic of synchronicities to inspire us, and more faith to guide us. "But we are definitely not alone in the process," Shanta says. "And that is why I am so excited to offer new opportunities to recreate your life using the power of Divine Light. This has been true not only in my life but in the lives of all humanity. The Archangels have opened new doors to your freedom and to your ability to receive from the Divine Essence they represent for your life. I would love to share that inspired Wisdom and Support with you."

Bask in the Wonder of Life by Shanta Gabriel

Life is a special gift from God, filled with infinite beauty. Your appreciation and gratitude for this beauty brings forth a new dimension of love within you. Take the time to pursue beauty. Find one flower and look with wondrous eyes upon this divine miracle. Notice the grace of a tree, the strength of its trunk, the power of the root system diving deep into the ground, and the play of the leaves in the sunlight. Put your arms around a tree and take a moment to sense the life force pulsing inside. This slow, steady pulse will soothe and calm you in times of upset. Try sitting with your back against a tree and feel the peace grow within you. Listen to the songs of birds. They sing for the pure joy of it. This is nature in all its glory

The Fierce Grace of the Divine Feminine by Shanta Gabriel

All dreams can become realities through the Grace of the Divine Mother. This is a fierce grace that encourages you to relinquish all that holds back the embodiment of your Divinity. Freedom of your Soul’s expression is one of the awakening gifts being offered through the Divine Feminine energy working through you now. This Divine Empowerment comes with a deep level of hopefulness, and an all encompassing certainty that you are connected to your Spiritual Resources in a new way ~ one that provides a greater sense of wholeness.

A Christmas Message from Archangel Gabriel + gift by Shanta Gabriel

Hark! The Herald Angels are singing. Can you hear the Angel voices? The Angels are calling you to rejoice in the Divine Love and the Light streaming onto the planet during this special time called Christmas. Can you hear the Angels whispering to you? Listen with your heart. Allow your whole being to be receptive to these Divine Messengers who have watched over you throughout your Soul’s existence. They are here now with one voice singing the idea of Unity within all beings. Making a joyful noise, they offer you the gifts of Divine Light, Grace and a Love beyond your understanding. Receive it into your heart and shine this blessed Light out into the world.

New Structures for Life ~ A Message from Archangel Sandalphon by Shanta Gabriel

Dear Ones, This is your initiation into the empowered structures required to anchor your new Light Body. Throughout this year you have been activating the codes for sacred blueprint of Divinity in form. The Creative Source of All That Is blesses this momentum of Light so your daily world can transform. You are being provided with a new level of freedom to express your true divine nature as a blended human. Recently the Archangels have provided activations within every chakra to raise the frequencies and bring a more solid connection to the presence of God. The principles that they can empower in your chakra system will impact your perceptions of the world permanently. Whenever you remember their presence your body will resonate in a new way.

A Time of Expanded Light from Archangel Uriel~ Shanta Gabriel

Throughout time there have been moments when the Supreme Consciousness is impulsing new light frequencies for the awakening of humanity. You saw it in the periods of history such as the renaissance and the industrial age. This time however is without precedence. You have stepped foot into the River of All Creation. Whatever you need is available with Grace and Ease. It is a matter of focusing on Divine Light and anchoring your visions on Earth.

Mastery from Archangel Michael ~ Shanta Gabriel

We will speak today of Mastery. Mastery of Self in the world becomes the principle that allows you to thrive on the Earth, where discipline and focus are essential. However, this discipline is not in a harsh or strict sense of being but more from alignment with your Highest Self. Mastery is made simple when one can stay in alignment with the soul’s highest reality in any given moment. This allows you to be in the center of your being in full awareness, no matter what is going on outside of you. Withdraw your focus from attention to the waves of change going on in the world. Instead, create a deep system of roots and core connections to the world of Nature and the Earth that supports and nourishes you on an energetic level. You will find that this focus will serve you in greater ways than you have known before.

Subtle Divine Guidance as a Force in your Life ~ Shanta Gabriel

You may not perceive subtle guidance as a Force to be reckoned with …YET, but know that powerful guiding energies are working very surely in your life.   The spiritual practices and time you take to refine your energy system brings you access that you have never experienced before this pivotal time.   Life has expanded in many ways that are new to your nervous system and ability to mentally compute the situations facing your life now.   Your accurate awareness of the guidance working for you is reliant on your feelings. Follow your interests, passion and curiosity then notice how you feel. There will be a sense of inspiration and an accompanying uplift of energy within you. These excited feelings are the guiding links from Source to you.

12:12 Activation of Unconditional Love, Plus Teleconference ~ Shanta Gabriel

At the moment of 12:12 on the 12th day of the 12th month, the pure golden light of Christ Consciousness ignites the sacred vessel of your High Heart with compassion and love. Unconditional Love is an imprint pre-encoded for your awakening consciousness. If you could only see from the Angelic viewpoint, it would appear that humans are acting as lightning rods when they receive this immense download of Christed Light that anchors this power of Divine Love for the Earth. When your heart is open and there is a willingness to receive, the connection to your new thymus chakra becomes activated at the 12:12. This center receives the Divine Feminine consciousness and awakens Unconditional Love in the sacred chalice of your High Heart. This empowerment becomes anchored in your body to accelerate your evolutionary process on the Solstice 12:21.

Empower Divine Wisdom in Your Heart ~ Shanta Gabriel

Connecting to your heart’s wisdom can become the overlighting, empowered intention for your spiritual practice. Most people want to have a deeper link to their intuition, as well as a bond with the Infinite Intelligence working within their lives and human form. As with all manifestations of a deep desire, an expanded understanding of the motivation and Soul requirement behind your desires is helpful. Behind the necessity you feel for a deep abiding connection to your intuition, is your Soul’s enduring need for Wholeness. When you have an experience of Wholeness within, you know that all parts of you are connected. There is no sense of separation. It’s as if each part of you is continually supporting all the other individual aspects of your being.

Seeding the Fields of Pure Potential ~ Shanta Gabriel

When we see the incredible differences in which people now live, it is a wonder there is agreement anywhere with anyone. There is a chasm between belief systems that seems impossible to cross. And yet there is a yearning within our souls for connection, and at the core of our being a desire for harmony and peace to prevail on Earth. So much is said from each viewpoint with the same conviction behind the words, each believing they are right. How can we ever bridge the gulf and create unity and peace? It seems that only a miracle of Divine proportions can make that happen. 

The Greatest Gift You Can Give ~ Shanta Gabriel

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives. For this week’s issue, the message from Archangel Gabriel reassures us that the freedom we seek comes from allowing ourselves to share our most authentic selves.

Your Soul’s Expression ~ Shanta Gabriel

Self expression is a highly desirable quality in modern life. So much depends on your ability to communicate that vast self-help industries have been built around this need. When people are not able to communicate their truth it can cause pain and lack of self-esteem. They often need assistance to articulate and clear the blocks within the throat chakra which are cutting off their ability to speak. But what about the ability to express your Soul and the gifts that you may be holding back from their expression? This becomes the leading question for those who are wanting to experience a deeper aspect of themselves. The desire to express your Soul’s gifts and share in more meaningful ways can be a driving force for an awakening person ready to express themselves in the world.
