Dante Starshine

About the author

Dante is a channeler for the Pleiadian Council, an extraterrestrial soul group closely connected to our world and supporting us in our ascension. He enters into a state in which he allows this consciousness to merge with his own and speak through him, transmitting a powerful high vibration to uplift others and help them connect with their own Higher Self/Higher Mind. Dante loves nature, where he derive a great deal of healing and connection. He has a very deep connection with plants and he experience his diet as a communication with a world of living plant spirits who serve as guides and assistants. Dante has been traveling and teaching workshops on spiritual awakening and healing for several years, and so far he has taught in the United States, Mexico, Guatemala, the UK, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Sweden, and India. He deeply love sharing wisdom and healing with everyone he encounter and feel deeply blessed to have created such a life for himself.

New Energies Coming in from Andromeda ∞ by Daniel Scranton

It is indeed a time to celebrate how far you’ve come there on planet Earth because you face so many challenges and because you have faced so many challenges, and yet there you are, still standing, still in one piece. Now the road ahead for you is easier and better than the road that is behind you, and that due in large part to the help that you’re getting, but it has much more to do with how much you’re helping yourselves. Those of you who have been willing to engage in self-help are leading in this consciousness evolution there on your planet.

The Volunteers of Earth are Needed Now ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are looking for volunteers all the time to bring about the changes that are going to occur there on planet Earth. We know that they are going to occur, and many of you who are awake know that they are going to occur, but how they occur and with whom are still ‘x-factors’ that are up in the air. You can become one of the ones who plays that role for humanity by opening yourself up to higher-frequency energies and anchoring them in for the collective. But for those of you are who are willing to go out into the world and be weird and possibly laughed at or outcasted, you can be the ones who not only anchor in those energies, but also spread them around. You can help to elevate the consciousness of the entire collective by being willing to be yourself. 

The New Orion/Andromedan Alliance ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are always on the lookout for new alliances throughout this galaxy of ours, and we have noticed that on the physical plane, in your dimension, there has been a new alliance struck between the Orions and the Andromedans. Now, this is significant for several reasons. The Orions have often been seen as the oppressors, the villains, the ones who want to dominate everyone else in the galaxy. And yet, they are evolving spiritually, just like everyone else is. In fact, it was an evolution of consciousness in the third-dimensional Orion System that led to the end of the Orion Wars.

Star Origins and Refinement of Consciousness in Accelerated Energies~ Pleiadian Transmission ~Dante Starshine

As you read this message we are offering to you our current of vibration you can choose to come into resonance with and receive the energy we offer to you continuously in each moment. We are omnipresent as are all forms of consciousness and to access our frequency is quite simple. You must simply open your heart and hold the intention of feeling the connection that is already there, for we are you, and you are us. At higher levels, you each have incarnations in many different star systems as you also have incarnations upon this earth in your past and future.

Transforming Belief Systems ~ Dante Starshine

We suggest to you now to consider very carefully all that you know and all that you merely believe, and to take a look even deeper and see how what you believe distorts what you know. In each and every plane of existence, individual experiences are first and foremost the result of what one believes to be true about reality. Entire worlds and civilizations unknown to you exist and are available for your participation if you allowed yourself to believe that you could perceive them. To undergo the procedures that allow you to perceive these other worlds is of great value so that you may come to understand the true power of your consciousness and come to see many worlds inhabited by beings such as ourselves who vibrate at the higher frequency into which your civilization is now shifting.

The Shadow of a Doubt ~ Dante Starshine

Hello we are once again very pleased to interact with you in this way. We are here to communicate with you this time a great deal of knowledge regarding what you know to be your shadow. You exist in a realm of duality, with both positive and negative forces within you. As you evolve in your world you come to realize ways to lessen the pain of your existence in pronounced ways. However there comes a point in one’s journey of healing at which one must realize a source of darkness within that will never go away or become less. This is your nature, you have come here to contain both the darkness and the light.

What’s the Point of Being on Earth? ~ Dante Starshine

You have come to experience the contrast of Love and Fear, which are essentially one in the same energy. Both Love and Fear are the consciousness energy of All That Is. There is essentially Only Love, and distortions of Love that you experience as the contrast between Love/Fear. Earth is a planet of great density. The density you as a soul experience in other realms is much easier in one sense.

Health, Consciousness and Beliefs ~ Dante Starshine

There is an increasing resurgence of what you currently consider to be medical conditions that will only continue to escalate in the times to come. Certain individuals on the leading edge of the waves of energy will come to understand that the body is a messenger. Your physical bodies are designed for you to create a vehicle of light that is eternal and everlasting, and the body is a medium through which the contrast of pleasure and pain may shape your non-physical light body to a degree of mastery of certain concepts and themes. What you know to be as symptoms of illness and dis-ease are merely your physical body receiving the impulse from your non-physical self as to the certain belief patterns that are out of alignment with the eternal well-being you truly are.

Pleiadian Transmission: Accessing Dimensions through the Chakras ~ Dante Starshine

Today we would like to inform you on a deeper level about your chakra system and your multi-dimensionality. Your chakras are your stream of energy through which time and space play out a vast dance of information throughout the whole galaxy and multi-verse. Every lifetime you have ever had or will have is accessible to you as information stored within your chakras and energy bodies as well as your cellular memory.
