Physical & Nonphysical E.T.s & First Contact ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are always very happy to assist humanity with the evolution of your consciousness. That is our primary goal in connecting with all of you, and for those of you who still do not realize this, we are nonphysical. We do not have physical bodies, nor do we have ships that we can land there on Earth.

When You See a UFO or E.T., This Happens ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are helping you to become more aware of who you really are, and we see that as our primary purpose to you. At times we are giving you the words, the reminders, to get you to remember the truth of who you really are as unconditional love, as Source. Other times it is through energy transmissions that we are reminding you of who you really are. And when you receive certain transmissions from us, you also get DNA activations that will piece together your galactic history. You all have a history in this galaxy of ours, and you have played many different roles and most of you in many different star systems.

What Happens Right Before Physical E.T. Contact ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are very pleased to find ourselves connecting with so many humans at this time, as more and more of you are awakening to the truth that you are not alone in the universe. We are but one of many councils that are out there in space, in other dimensions, who are looking to make contact with all of you. Physical e.t. contact will occur, and it will occur in the not-too-distant future for all humans who desire it. But when you seek contact with the unseen, it is not that different from seeking to connect with Source Energy, or if you prefer, God. Connecting with the unseen has been done by humans for a very long time, and of course there have always skeptics. There have always been those who wondered, ‘Where is the proof in all of this?’

Creating the New Earth ~ Jonathan Trinity Martin

Hello, we are The Yahyel. Shivai, good day. We come to you from our ship’s above your cities at this time. We station our ships in these locations for the purpose of harmonising the energies. THE SHIFT As the dimensional shift occurs there is much fluctuation of energy in your world. And it is time you took a breather for many of you. Many of you fighting on the front lines in the war against the darkness are somewhat exhausted and it may serve you to take some time away from your daily duties.

What You Have Coming with Full E.T. Contact ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are always interested in what makes humans tick, what keeps you interested in life there on planet Earth, because as the awakened collective, you know that there is so much more available to you. However, you do share a planet with many people who are seeking very specific experiences that they can only have in their physical bodies there on Earth in the fourth dimension. It’s very interesting to us to observe what motivates a person to get up in the morning and do all the things that they think they need to do in order to have what it is that they want and experience what they want to experience.