
October Ascension Energies – Internal Sun ~ Jamye Price

Blessed Being, you are spectrum of experience on Earth. A spectrum is a variance of potential within rules. That is Life – interaction on scales of compatible interface. You reside within the visible and invisible, yet interaction spans both. Your conscious interaction expands. The interaction of Light and Sound is one such interface. These are different and same, connected and separate.


The Brilliant colors of the Auroras that were seen worldwide in May of 2024 were a manifestation of great changes on the Earth and in the Galaxy.  The New Tree of Life template was activated via the Tree of Grace. The battle between Good and Evil that was the hallmark of Duality gave way to the Flow of Grace and Love that is expressed on Earth as Divine Love and Support from the Higher Levels of Light.

Discover Your Light & Sound Frequency to Heal by Celestial White Beings– Natalie Glasson

Greetings and love we, the Celestial White Beings, extend to you now. We bring forth our celestial vibrations to support your healing and awakening from within your being. We have been present with the Earth since its creation and we are present with you, throughout your entire lifetime, supporting, nurturing and inspiring you to live fully upon the earth as your soul and as your essence – as your truth manifested.

444 I Am Presence Light Code Activation ~ Anrita Melchizedek

Beloved hearts, embedded in our DNA is our Divine Soul Blueprint of Crystalline Consciousness and Plasma Light. A multidimensional map, intuitively guiding us in this lifetime and each Now moment, as we become our Higher Selves upon this sacred earth in deep trust and surrender to our Universe.

Are You an Above Average Lightworker? ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are always interested in how the energies are affecting you in any given moment. And as you know, there are more energies than ever that are affecting you as an individual, that are affecting the human collective and that affect Mother Earth. You are swimming in a sea of energies all the time, and sometimes certain energies get amplified because they have greater significance to that particular moment for humanity, and when you go through something as a collective that affects you, there are more energies sent to support you.