Maria Chambers

About the author

I am a new consciousness teacher, helping to bring in the new energies through my art, music, spoken and written word. And by just hanging out at my local cafe, writing in my journal, and appreciating the simple things in life. I have my good days. I have my bad days. I prefer the good days. Of course, as enlightened beings, we’re supposed to say, “It’s all gooood!!!” Well, I finally gave myself permission, through this amazing and often crushing process of enlightenment…to not always like it…to curse at it…to tell it to go to hell!!! Being human isn’t as easy as it looks…being human and divine, well that’s even more tricky…as all of us know. My blog explores the process we are going through, and hopefully helps to answer some questions, helps to soothe any concerns, with wisdom and some humor.

Lonely ~ Maria Chambers

When a new energy pioneer decides to journey where no man has gone before, they occasionally feel lonely.  They are leaving behind a world in which most everyone feels incomplete, and seeks to fill up on someone or something outside themselves.  The pioneer did that, numerous times, in so many lifetimes, in numerous ways, so they know that it really doesn’t work, but rather just magnifies the loneliness.

What Is Ascension And Embodied Enlightenment? ~ Maria Chambers

Ascension, which is also called Embodied enlightenment, is an awakening, or becoming conscious of our god-self, or our soul.  It is the total integration of the human and the divine.  Of the body, mind and spirit.

Sarah’s Journey ~ Maria Chambers

In a secluded town lived a woman named Sarah. Life had always been a puzzle to her, never quite fitting into societal expectations or understanding her place in the grand scheme of things. She remembered when a profound sadness wrapped itself around her when her cousin Andreas died years ago. The loss of Andreas was not just a personal heartache, but a turning point in her existence.

Ascension: It’s LONELY At The Top (Or Is It?) ~ Maria Chambers

The feminine is looking at self, at humanity and at life from a broader perspective. It’s a sensuality that encompasses the physical body, and life itself.  It’s experiencing the full range of emotions, including at times anger. It’s a gentleness and compassion toward self, and toward life.  It’s allowing.  Allowing oneself to be vulnerable.  Allowing all of life to flow through.  Uncensored.  That also means accepting one’s own boundaries and never allowing those boundaries to be violated. It’s an unbridled joy for life, and for one’s own sexual and sensual experiences.

What Is The Feminine? ~ Maria Chambers

The feminine is looking at self, at humanity and at life from a broader perspective. It’s a sensuality that encompasses the physical body, and life itself.  It’s experiencing the full range of emotions, including at times anger. It’s a gentleness and compassion toward self, and toward life.  It’s allowing.  Allowing oneself to be vulnerable.  Allowing all of life to flow through.  Uncensored.  That also means accepting one’s own boundaries and never allowing those boundaries to be violated. It’s an unbridled joy for life, and for one’s own sexual and sensual experiences.

The Awakening – Keeping It Real – Chapter 2 ~ Maria Chambers

The process of awakening, of ascension and embodied enlightenment can’t be rushed. It needs to unfold in its own timing. And of course can’t that be frustrating? I often lose my cool and start yelling at my soul. “Ok, soul, you know who I am, and what I need. So why aren’t you delivering already??!!??” Where’s my light body? I feel like the perpetual caterpillar waiting endlessly to be transformed into the butterfly, as promised. Some days I feel so heavy, so tired. And my mind seems to have gone. I can’t remember things, I feel foggy. I always seem to have enough money, but why can’t I have grand abundance of finances?

The Awakening – Keeping It Real – Chapter One ~ Maria Chambers

What I am about to share with you may take you by surprise…or not.   It really depends on where you are relative to your ascension, embodied enlightenment process.  If you’re at the early stages, you may be feeling blissed out, like now your life is going to be so much easier. It’s the stage where you begin to discover that there is so much more to life than just being a human going through the motions. And that is what humanity is in the process of doing. But we on the leading edge of embodied enlightenment have been facing some of our deepest fears, and transcending them.  We are not projecting them outside ourselves onto any one else.  We are learning also to not wrestle with them, but to just allow them to be there, but not react to them.

Moving Beyond Fear ~ Maria Chambers

As a human being, we have based so many choices on fear.  It’s been our climate on this planet from its beginnings.   We came here to work through and transcend the fears that were part of our struggles in the other realms. And that is what humanity is in the process of doing. But we on the leading edge of embodied enlightenment have been facing some of our deepest fears, and transcending them.  We are not projecting them outside ourselves onto any one else.  We are learning also to not wrestle with them, but to just allow them to be there, but not react to them.

Resistance is Futile ~ Maria Chambers

What we are witnessing out there right now is resistance to change.   Change, expansion, is a natural part of evolution.  But chaos isn’t.  Chaos is the by-product of resistance to evolutionary change. But resistance is futile.  Change, expansion is inevitable.  Source desires it.  Our soul desires it.  And, even though our human self resists mightily, it wants it, too. Meanwhile, the chaos, the anger, the destruction, the fear…..well, it is what it is.  The imbalances in the governments, in the corporations, in the economies….they are what they are.   

There’s Nothing Routine About Enlightenment ~ Maria Chambers

How often have you heard that it’s good to shake things up?  To do something new?  To try something different?   You may tell yourself that you are in a rut. I am all for keeping the energies moving in our life.  It’s easy for them to get stagnant.  Energies get stuck in our mind, and in our bodies. We can all agree that this whole enlightenment process has shaken us up, disrupted our lives, our minds, our bodies, our finances, and our relationships.  There is such a massive transformation taking place within us.  There are days we wonder who the hell we are anymore!

Dear Non-Physical Friends….. ~ Maria Chambers

First I want to thank you for your love, and your support.  Yeshua, AA Michael, Metatron, Adamus St. Germain, and all the rest of you in the higher realms.  Some of you have had physical incarnations here on Earth, and some have not.  To those who have not, it’s understandable that you wouldn’t relate to how it is down here on the ground. To those who have, I know it’s easy to forget what it’s like to be physical, to have these corporeal bodies that we have to tend to, to feed, to maintain, to manage, that get sick, that age, that seem to betray us.  That so often feel like a burden to us.

There’s a Fine Line Between Psychosis and Enlightenment ~ Maria Chambers

Those who choose the proverbial psych ward are often those who were very mental in their approach to life.  So the deep dive helps to shake loose that over-controlling mind. And even those who have more of a right brain approach to life are challenged to deal with a mind that wants to maintain the status quo. But we stop battling our minds, and that’s what ultimately separates us from those who suffer with psychotic behaviors.
