Marina Seren
About the author
My name is Marina Seren. I am a 20-year-old Experiencer from Madrid, Spain. I am a psychic medium, an extrasensory-seer, a conscious channeler of my Higher Mind, an intuitive artist, an ET contactee, alien abductee, hybrid alien mother, MILAB/MK-ultra survivor, and an ex-Secret Space Program psychic supersoldier/insider.
In the year 2015, when I was 15 years old, the wake-up call encoded in my DNA activated and I started my path of spiritual awakening and the recovery of my memories. I started to receive intense downloads on the structure of consciousness and existence and information about what is really going on on Earth, what is the real history of mankind, and what is my mission here.
At that time I observed my Starseed/hybrid nature as well as the indigo/crystal energy of my aura. I started to experience strongly the awakening of my psychic abilities and ancient knowledge, activated DNA codes placed by other beings, remembered my hybrid genetic implants and my role in the First Contact event. I was starting to be visited by ET/ED entities, guides, counterparts, and star families. I would meet them in the dream time, I would travel to their planet, I would recall some of my ET and Earth past lives, I would be taught in spacecraft schools about psychic abilities and metaphysics, as well as spiritual guidance.
I am currently working on many projects, many of educational nature, in which I teach about my spiritual wisdom and metaphysical knowledge, my ET downloads, my information about the preparation for the future First Contact, and my Higher Mind's guidance that I bring through my conscious channeling abilities. On the other hand, I also dedicate myself to the field of arts, especially graphic arts and music, which of course includes channeled energies from the higher dimensions that I perceive.
Is humanity a hybrid species? ~ Marina Seren
Humanity is one of the most advanced species of the planet, as they express almost an exponential growth in the development of their intellect and the development to manipulate Nature. This evolutionary path has not been a straight continuous linear path but rather a progress full of non-predictable evolutionary jumps and really specific genetic recombinations, that has lead to the observation of the so called''lost steps''on the scalar evolution. The inability to trace the origin of certain genetic changes and explain such evolutionary jumps.
What is reality? ~ Marina Seren
The Schrödinguer's experiment based on the laws of quantum mechanics proposed that our reality is a simulation and that consciousness creates reality: ''Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment that illustrates an apparent paradox of quantum superposition. In the thought experiment, a hypothetical cat may be considered simultaneously both alive and dead as a result of being linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur.
The Anunnaki: the creation of the human race ~ Marina Seren
The Anunnaki, are a species of ET ancestors that originated in the Cygnus constellation. They were super advanced beings with great scientific and metaphysical knowledge, as well as super advanced technology and wisdom. Inside the Anunnaki species, there were many groups of diverse races, that would make up the total collective. One of their most precious minerals and resources to them, was gold, specifically monoatomic gold. This element would be used by them both for healing purposes and for their own advanced technologies, specially because of its superconductive abilities and healing properties even.