How to Teach Children Unconditional Happiness: The Key to Lasting Joy ~ by Dr. Taryn Crimi

In today’s world, we often fall into the trap of believing that happiness depends on external circumstances—getting a promotion, buying a new gadget, or achieving a specific milestone. While these things may provide temporary joy, lasting happiness comes from within. True happiness is a choice—a powerful skill that can be cultivated from an early age. This article explores how we can teach children the invaluable skill of unconditional happiness, freeing them from the need to rely on external sources for joy.


The New Downloads Humanity is Receiving ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are very happy to give you this update on how you are doing there on Earth. We know that you need extra help, extra support at this time, and we are aligned with many other collectives and councils who know that as well. We have been sending you extra energetic support at this time, and many of you receive that support in the form of a download of energy while you are asleep.

How to Talk with St. Germain Using the Violet Flame ∞ St. Germain ∞ by Daniel Scranton

I always welcome your thoughts, your opinions, and your ideas, and you are welcome to offer them to me at any time. If you want to feel more directly in contact with me, then imagine the violet flame around you, and then expand the violet flame out to all corners of this universe of ours, and you know you will be including me in your extended violet flame. The lines of communication are always open, but sometimes you need something like that to convince your minds that it is possible to connect with a being who exists in the nonphysical.

The New Earth That’s Coming ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We stand firm in our assessment that all is well there on planet Earth and that it will continue to get better. Now, of course, there are many parts of Earth, and there are many places on Earth. There are many experiences being had on your planet at this time, and not every single one of them is an example of everything being well. You always will have room for growth. That is true with your spiritual evolution, with your relationships, with your satisfaction in your life.

Becoming God ∞The 12D Creators ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We see you in your majestic evolution, and we see ourselves. We know that the ride you are on is also our ride, and that is one of the many reasons why we seek to help you. We want you to know how much you are growing and evolving in each and every moment you are there. You are becoming more precise creators by being there on Earth, where you have stacked the deck against yourselves in so many ways. You have made it more challenging to manifest the reality that you want to experience because one of the experiences you really wanted to have there on Earth was and is faith. You wanted to see if you could believe in something that you could not see, feel, hear, taste and touch.


Theories of an Infinite Mind ~ Audrey Colette

Everything is a Reflection Everything that exists in this world is a reflection from the mind of the Infinite.  Infinity reflects back to us that which it wants us to see.  Intent (i.e., “plan”) arrives first.  The “facts,” which you can also call light/time/space/energy/matter follow thereafter. Each and every physical arrangement in the universe is a reflection of the carefully planned, meticulously aligned, mathematically precise, plan of an Infinitely Intelligent Conscious Thought From the Mind of an Infinitely Intelligent Creator.

― Published Book ―


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Raise Your Vibration


Losing Memory of Details, Present Moment Consciousness and Awakening ∞ Ina Lukas

I feel intimidated and uncomfortable at the thought of going to a gym or yoga or exercise class.  Being surrounded by people who already have better bodies than me.  And yet, I really feel I should and I want to do some form of exercise.  And I feel stuck


How much of a role does food play in your health? ~ by Dr. Taryn Crimi

Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of nutrition and how it relates to your overall vibration.  This of course directly affects every being on this planet, as every physical being requires food to sustain themselves.   There are very many on your world who are now becoming much more conscious than ever before of just how intertwined their health and the quality of the food which they consume are.  Many have heard the saying “you are what you eat” however very few have actually contemplated its meaning.  If you eat chicken does this mean that you are now a chicken?  Certainly not, however it is our intention today to share with you our perspective on how the relationship of the food that you consume and the vibration which you maintain are so closely connected.

Great Documentary

Near Death Experience (NDE)


Spirit Science

Marina Jacobi


Spiritual Science

Gregg Braden

Gigi Young

Shaman Oaks