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Akashic Records

Dive Deeper into the Akashic Records ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are happy to bring you the following transmission because we are excited to feel how you will receive it. We have noticed that you’ve been able to access much more of your akashic records as individuals and as a collective. And we want to encourage you to go deep into your past histories, because as you do, you awaken aspects of yourselves that have been lying dormant for quite some time.  We know that you have a sincere curiosity about who you have been and what you have done, because it helps to tell a fuller story of who you are as a broader being than just this one character that you are playing in this one lifetime.

Arcturian Akashic Records to Go with the Solstice Energies ∞ Daniel Scranton

We have been doing our best to monitor what is going on there on planet Earth, and we have been looking into the energy fields of each and every one of you in humanoid form to determine what our contribution will be for the upcoming solstice. We have already indicated to you that the energies coming in from your sun will be quite intense, loving, and transformative, and we have been conversing with your sun about what type of contribution would be best coming from the ninth dimension and the Arcturian star system.

Why are we here ~ Kryon ~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

Why is it that we are here at all? I don't understand the purpose of the Human challenge? Why is it necessary? Why wear the veil of forgetfulness while in Human form? Why is any of this happening at all?

Opening Your Akashic Records – Nicole-Frolick

This video is intended to help you breakthrough any belief systems that you may have around the difficulties in opening your own records or that you need someone else to do it for you. The truth is, any one can do it. It simply requires a few basic reminders not in how to open them, but how not to block yourself from opening the records.

Instructing the Akash ~ Kryon ~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

I want you to think for a moment, dear old soul, of what may be in your Akashic record. I actually know what’s in your Akashic record, and it's astonishing. Do you understand and realize in this group of more than 100 people, who’ve lived over a thousand lifetimes, just how many total lives are actually represented in this room? Think about that. It’s almost a stadium full! In addition, all of you have one thing in common: You’ve all existed through an old energy earth.