Why is it that we are here at all? I don’t understand the purpose of the Human challenge? Why is it necessary? Why wear the veil of forgetfulness while in Human form? Why is any of this happening at all?
Answer: Dear one, this question has been asked many times, and answered many times over the past years. You ask for the meaning of life! However, it’s one of the most asked, and one of the most honored. We will never tire of giving you this answer!
Think a moment. If indeed you are eternal, and pieces of God, and came here willingly, then there is something hiding is there not? After all, why would you? Why the free choice? Why the suffering of humanity and all the strife. All this must add up to something remarkable, and hidden, in a spiritual overview.
Let me ask you this: Is there anything you can imagine that God/Spirit cannot accomplish? Initially you might say, “no.” God can do anything. The answer is actually this: God is biased! God is biased in love. Therefore when there is a situation in the Universe that needs to be decided without this bias…within an unbiased and neutral playing field out of God-consciousness, there is a method. In this case, it’s called Earth.
Have you ever heard the expression, “The Only Planet of Free Choice”? Did you wonder what it meant? Does it mean all other planets with life can’t choose? Of course not. It means that this is the only one (at the moment) who can choose their vibratory level. They are the only ones with the power and the ability to (1) Recognize their own spiritual source, and (2) Use it to change the reality of Earth. At the moment, Earth is the only planet populated with divine creatures.
We have given you much information about this in the past. Go find it. It explains why ET’s come and go, but don’t do much else (like land and show themselves, for example). It explains why ET’s wish to mate with you (they can biologically, but not spiritually). They are trying to “clone” your Higher-Self! (The can’t) They sense your incredible power, and you can’t! (Cosmic humor surrounding your duality). It explains why you only have one sun (most life-planets have binary sun systems. The odds are far greater for life to develop when there are two suns, and more planet potentials within the “life zone.” You have only one, and it makes you far less obvious and locatable to any other life.
Call it a test, if you wish, but it isn’t a test about you. It is a test only of energy and vibration. Therefore if you must name it, say you are in an “experience” not a test. That’s more accurate. You are the voluntary testers, experiencing earth, but it hides completely from you as you come and go, and come and go. This is also the core meaning of “created equal.” It means that all of you are divine creatures, whose spiritual abilities are the same. It’s what you do with them that changes your reality and that of the planet.
Here is something else to consider: Why, after a lifetime of trial, suffering, and sorrow, would a Human Being ever come back? Yet you do! Can you explain that? I can. When you are not here, you see the bigger picture. When you are not here you can hardly wait to return to do more… to continue the experience and help with this test of energy.
Answer me this: Why did you come back this lifetime? With Armageddon looming and most earth prophesy telling you that it was going to be the “end,” why did you pick this particular time to come back? You think it was an accident (or worse… some kind of punishment)? NO! Some of you actually waited to select this exact time. Why? Do you think you selected this time to come back and die horribly? The answer is no. Instead, you could hardly wait to come back and change it all! On the other side, you understand that there is no set future. The things that are “written” by your best prophets are only potentials of what might happen based on the energy of the moment.
Therefore you must understand that there is a “grand secret” … know to all, yet hiding at the conscious level. It’s about a new Universe, and the starting energy of it. It’s about Earth providing an unbiased answer to a grand universal question. Where will the energy settle? When the final measurement is taken, what will be the result?
Now it gets good: The final measurement was to be now. All your prophets told you so. All called your time the “end times.” However you changed things, and moved off the old prophesies track. Now you have created something that was unexpected, out of the groove of any prophesy ever given. Prove it to yourself! Go find prophesy that describes your current situation. You can’t. Did the prophesies of the ages happen? No they didn’t. This is why the grid was changed, and why you now sit in a place that has the test extended.
What happens on earth will eventually affect life in a whole new universe. What you are doing right now is known to all on the other side of what you call the “veil.” This has been the reason for all the teaching, and why so many right now have the same message…an uplifting one that challenges you to keep going and find solutions to the formerly unsolvable… and to actually discover your divinity.
This is also why we speak of your “big bang.” It wasn’t. It was a universal dimensional shift, everything created seemingly out of nothing, all at once. But there is a rich and vast spiritual history about how it happened, and what the starting energy was. You were here for that too, but then… that’s another story.
The “bias” of God is love. As you draw into a higher vibration, this very biased cheering section is becoming audible to your very cells.
This is why we love you so.
Credit : Channelled by Lee Carroll for KRYON. Lee is recognized worldwide as the original channel for Kryon, and has been honored over the years by seven United Nations invitations to channel Kryon at the UN building in New York city. The Kryon seminars are presented all over the USA and Canada, western Europe, Israel, Russia, Bulgaria, Poland, the Baltic states and much of South America. You can see some of the most meaningful meetings HERE. Lee’s worldwide seminar schedule is HERE. In 2015 and 2016 the prestigious WATKINS “Mind, Body, Spirit” magazine from the UK, has listed Lee Carroll as one of the “100 most spiritually influential living people”. You can see the others in that group HERE.
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