Lemurian priest and priestess  channeled through Adria Wind Horse Estribou on 9/11/2019

Even in the darkest of times in an exterior sense, the light you bring, the light that is inherent to what you are, sheds light to the world—generally speaking, and specifically speaking to all of the sentient beings around you. If you are a bright light already, even if you are feeling a little dim in these darker denser times, you are still bringing light to others. So you don’t need to compare your experience of your own light this week, today, with how it was yesterday or last month. In a sense of sharing with the world, your light is perhaps brighter than you perceive it to be. And your intention of sharing good with the world even when you feel yourself to be dragging through it—the muck of the world—your intention to be sharing light means that that is the case, even when you are not experiencing it.

If a lighthouse is shedding light for others, maybe inside the lighthouse it is dark sometimes when the light is transferring the other direction. But that does not mean that the light isn’t working. It just means you perhaps do not always perceive how much light you are bringing to the world.

So, in these challenging days when it feels that there is so much weight upon you, we want you to experience in a knowledge sense, to know, that you are still bringing light to the world. And your efforts, your intentions, are not wasted, even when you cannot perceive their effects on yourself. Perhaps the light you are shining is so bright right now, so outward, so needed, that you inside the core of your being perceive darkness by contrast.

For many of you right now, we perceive that you are misperceiving what is happening within yourself and the world. We want to assure you, to let you know that it is a bright time. Your light is working. It has not been turned off. It is, we will say again, a bright time. So, don’t be tricked by the illusions of the world.

Know that your light is bright, as bright as it was last month and last year. Just because your perception has shifted—that has to do with many, many angles of vision and perception and the changing landscape you’re in.

But your light, we want to say again and many times today to you, your light is bright, it is strong. It is lighting the way for others and someday very soon here, you are going to perceive it again in yourself. So do not despair at what appears to be a temporary darkness. This is a misperception of what is going on right now. You as a bright light for this world have not lost your way. You as a bright light for this world are shining as much now as when you perceived it to be at his height.

We say again that this apparent darkness in you, this feeling of lost soul, is an illusion right now. It is a misperception. You do not need to believe it. You do not need to change your course.

You need right now to know in the deepest core of you that you are light and your light is working. It is on.

Adria Wind

Image Credit : Pixabay.com

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Adria Wind Horse Estribou
My love for vocal sound started very young—I would make up songs and sing to myself for hours as a child. In school I participated in chorus, chamber singers, and musical theater. Love for singing extended into adulthood with further vocal training and opera. A period of deep introspection in 2011 led me to feel my life purpose had something to do with my voice and healing, but I didn’t understand at that time what that might mean. I leapt at the opportunity to attend Jonathan Goldman’s Healing Sounds Intensive training in Colorado, and was surprised when shamanic healing sounds started coming through my voice Since then, memories have surfaced from multiple lifetimes where I played the role of a shaman using vocal sound for healing. A few years ago, angelic beings began “knocking on the door” of my awareness with messages. I am deeply moved and humbled to be part of the angels’ messages for others. Their perspectives never cease to delight and amaze me.