Tag: Kryon


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Attributes of Awakening – Part 1 ~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. I’m aware of who is listening and reading, and, perhaps, even why you might be here. Among those who are listening, many are experiencing what we will call an awakening. This message is going to be one of four channellings this month wherein we are going to talk about the attributes of awakening that, perhaps, are a little odd.

How timings works in our life ~ Kryon ~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Looking at the world situation, there are many who would wring their hands and say, "I see the evil all around me and the inhumanity. How can I fight the darkness?" The answer I have always given, dear ones, is that you never have to fight the darkness. All you must do is create light. That’s all. Darkness cannot exist...

The Eight Shifts of Enlightenment Part One ~ Kryon ~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Where do you think Human emotion comes from? Where do you think love comes from? I will tell you this - it''s part of God in you! Why do you feel the way you do when you have so much love for another? You think that's all Human, don't you? No. That's the God part in you being activated even between Human and Human. Even the Humans who don't believe in God can't help the fact that it is still so. You might not believe in a kidney either, but you still have one. You are creatures of free choice, so you are free to accept what's going on now at this moment or not. You are totally free, and Spirit isn't going to come and touch you to make you believe it. This is our gift to you - free choice.

Invisible Things..~ Kryon ~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of magnetic service. The idea of getting messages from the other side of the veil through a Human Being as you have seen today, literally for hours, would stretch credibility for some. Yet I will tell you yet again that this has always been the way of it.

How timing works in your life ~ Kryon ~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Looking at the world situation, there are many who would wring their hands and say, "I see the evil all around me and the inhumanity. How can I fight the darkness?" The answer I have always given, dear ones, is that you never have to fight the darkness. All you must do is create light. That’s all. Darkness cannot exist when light is there. It simply cannot. This is the premise that we have presented to you for decades. It states that the light around you that you yourself create, is far, far more effective than you think. Instead of trying to fight that which is dark, creating light around you via compassion, understanding, and kindness, goes directly into the FIELD and darkness starts to diminish due to that … by itself.

Attributes of the soul – 1 ~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

We have said so often that this is not a message that is global, but rather, a message that is personal. We will say that again. These are, indeed, difficult times for so many, and yet, we have continued to remind you that the shift is here. This shift, which was predicted by the ancients, was also predicted many times in my channelling before 2012 – and it’s here. Almost a decade into it, now you see what we were talking about. It’s not necessarily that this shift brings you wars between countries which you thought might happen at this time. Instead, it’s a war of dark and light, and you are starting to see the attributes and the results of it.

Coming Discoveries ~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

Let me go back and revisit some messages you may have heard before: Major inventions that have changed the culture of this planet often seem to happen all at once, all over the globe, almost like they were delivered to consciousness all at once from somewhere else. Seldom do you have just one individual with an idea that then changes the planet. That may be the story they tell you in history, but these profound inventions and discoveries usually happen simultaneously, and the first individual to manifest it is the one who gets the credit.

The Lightworker’s Handbook Lesson 2 ~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

Greetings,  dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There are those who would say that this kind of communication is impossible to have, difficult. "What is the process," they say, "that would allow a Human Being to speak as if the Human was the link?" And I'll tell you, that process is easy to explain, for the Human is the angel on Earth. There is a direct pipeline to Spirit and you have called it the Higher-Self. This spiritual part of the Human is there like an antenna, waving in the breeze all your life. Some of you know what to do with it and plug it into that sacred pipeline. Most don't. But when you do, it is when your most profound meditations occur. The invitation in this energy is to learn to develop that pipeline and tune into that energy.

The Lightworker’s Handbook Lesson 1~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

I am aware of where we are [speaking of being in the Temple of Wisdom on the campus of Delphi]. This is a temple built to honor the majesty of the Human Being. This is a place that is sacred, honoring what is intuitively known about the magnificence inside each of you. It is a place that is dedicated to the love of God, to the love of humanity and the compassionate teachings of peace on Earth. It is dedicated to peace inside, so let it not be lost on any who are listening or reading this that this is a sacred place and this is where we begin this message... a perfect place for it.

Physics in the Next 500 Years~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

There are always those who would ask, “What does this have to do with my spirituality? Why does an angelic form come in and then talk about science?” Before I am done with this information, I think you’ll know. Dear ones, are you really willing to separate physics from God? Is the bias of your three-dimensional existence so structured that you would leave God out of creation? Of course not. But when we start to put these together, there are some who are not interested in the scientific portions. So we’re going to make it simple.

The Seven Gifts ~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

Dear ones, I wish to do something. I'm going to create seven holiday gifts for you. The difference in these gifts on this holiday season is this: These will be gifts you're going to give to yourself. In all of the giving in all of the cultures, the focus is about giving to others and, of course, receiving gifts from them. Today, this is going to be more profound than you think and I'm going to make a statement: "If there are any here, or listening to this who actually follow these instructions for these seven gifts, your life is going to change." There will be revelations and perhaps more. Each gift represents a day where you do something for yourself. Now, not every single day of gift-giving for yourself is going to be easy. In fact, of these first three, two of them are often difficult as you're going to see in a moment. The difficulty is that it requires you take a full day off to do it. Now, this is on purpose.

Dear Kryon: What exists beyond our Universe?~ Channeled by Lee Carroll

In order to answer your question, I must expand it. Your question is linear, and the Universe is not. You assume that (a) your Universe is singular, and (b) therefore, there is something in a singular way "beyond" it.

