
Removing Your Stuck & Blocked Energy ∞ by Daniel Scranton

You are being in this moment what you were created to be, and you are having the experiences that serve this version of Source Energy that you are. You get to have these experiences. You are not forced to by any force outside of you. When you accept that your life is as it needs to be right now, you get to move on to something else. You get to have new experiences after the acceptance of the experiences that you are having.

The Most Satisfying Experience You Can Have in a Body ∞ Thymus ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We know you as you truly are. We see you in that space of your Divinity reigning supreme over your experience of reality. We know that you are coming to a time where you will share that experience of yourself that we have of you, and we know that we are here to help you to ascend to that level of consciousness

Our Body is Like a River – Keep it Flowing – by Neelam Minocha

Our Body is Like a River - Keep it Flowing A river is in continual flow. If a river stagnates, the water starts to smell and things start to grow in, on and around it. A flowing river doesn’t stagnate, it doesn’t smell and it doesn’t become dis-eased.

Your Cells are Listening To Every Word You Say… Channelled by Neelam Minocha

YOUR CELLS ARE LISTENING TO EVERY WORD YOU SAY... HOW WE SPEAK TO OURSELVES...THE WORDS WE USE AFFECTS OUR BODY Our cells and cellular memories hold lifetimes of emotions and imprints. Our cells follow OUR instructions... they listen to our beliefs, to our thoughts.... to our words.... to the way we speak to ourselves... they listen and they act accordingly to the instructions that we give them. How do you speak to your body? If you continually say 'I am tired' guess what you will be continually tired. If you tell yourself that you are no good... then that will be your outer experience. If you reject your body... it will behave like someone who feels rejected.

You Have Physical Bodies, So Do This ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are living just as much as you all are living, even though we do not have physical bodies at this point in our spiritual evolution. We are just as much alive as any physical being there on Earth or anywhere else in the galaxy. You are alive because of the fact that you are consciousness. Your consciousness is just focused in a particular place, a place that includes a physical body that you think of as yours. It’s more of a rental, however, and you get to change anything and everything about your consciousness, about yourselves, but the physical realm often looks the same to you, unless you make a gigantic change in your vibration.