

Being a Source of Awakening by the Nature Kingdom – Natalie Glasson

Sacred bliss and love, we extend to your being now. We are a collective consciousness, the collective energy of the Nature Kingdom. We are the spirits, the souls that oversee the Nature Kingdom while also inhabiting it. We wish to come forth to share a message with you to inspire you to be of service. It is often in your own spiritual evolution and your reality that you focus independently upon your own ascension, your own awakening process. While this is perfect and appropriate, there is also a balance that can be achieved when you are a source of awakening for another energy, soul, or being. This automatically awakens the same within your own being. 

Balanced Creation by the Nature Spirits – Natalie Glasson

Greetings, Namaste, we are a collective energy of the Nature Spirits. We come forth with our love, our respect, and our gratitude for those of you who are extending your light far and wide upon the Earth. We thank you dearly for the light you have shared with the Nature Kingdom, and we share our light with you too. We collect your light, we enhance it, we magnify it, and we send it to you, to all of humanity, all beings and Mother Earth. It is our purpose to magnify light and to enhance the vibration of light existing within Mother Earth. 

Spring Equinox – Planting the Garden of your Soul ~ Shanta Gabriel

Planting the Garden of your Soul invites the Grace of the Angels to work in your daily life. This focused activity demonstrates your desire to co-create what you need to harvest a more bountiful future. The northern hemisphere will experience the Spring Equinox on March 20, a season of new birth and renewal. If you are in the southern hemisphere, planting your inner garden now will allow you to create a winter focus that will bloom in its proper time. Equinox is the optimum time to plant your personal garden of powerful intentions within your being. This timely action will bring great rewards as you till the rich and fertile soil of your soul, elevate your thoughts and activate new life within and around you.

Merging of the Divine Human ~ Shanta Gabriel

We are speaking today of merging. Merging means to be fully immersed in the Light of the Universal Presence, aligned with your most essential self, embracing and welcoming the Creative Force into your Earthly body This process leads to Wholeness and a full integration as you become the Divine Human active in the world. There are aspects of this merging process that are being reflected upon your Earth now. You are seeing conflagration of vast tracks of forest land. These massive fires are larger than have ever been seen by humankind. But what is also going on in this process is not just the scorching of the Earth and the devastation of life and property, there are clear analogies available between the transformative process you are experiencing, and the ancient process of Balance within Nature.

Earth is Your Home ~ Not Your Battleground – by Dianne Robbins

Greetings, we are the Tree People, waiting for your presence into our realm.  Our worlds were meant to intertwine in a melody of song and good cheer. We bring you good tidings from the Nature World, the world of many kingdoms and many realms all intertwined with yours on many levels of existence, if you could fathom them. We are all excited about the merging of our worlds, and now we know it will come about. A critical mass will soon be reached, where you'll all be able to see right into our realms and feel our presence even before this occurs. For your world is spinning quickly now and events are occurring fast, and the wheels of time are flying by carrying you along in an unending stream of events leading to many future possibilities of great promise and surprise to human eyes. Ah yes, marvels undreamed of are on the horizon of hope, and you are privy to them as you awaken one by one and then by the millions, till your billions wake to the brilliance of the Creator's Light setting at last on Earth's shore, bringing all life forms and all kingdoms into harmony and balance and oneness as it always was meant to be. We have arrived at last—we have come home.