
Transforming Doubt by Archangel Metatron – Natalie Glasson

Greetings to you beloved beings of light, I am Archangel Metatron. It is a joy to be in your presence today and as I am present with you, I invite you to acknowledge your own being and body. I invite you to gaze within and ask yourself, how much do you trust in my presence, Archangel Metatron…at what percentage? Do you trust 100 percent in my presence or do you trust a slightly lower percentage?

Love of Generations by Archangel Metatron – Natalie Glasson

I invite you to inhale deeply and as you exhale, imagine that ribbons of light extend from your being out into the world around you, into the universe. The more you exhale allowing these ribbons of light to extend from all parts of your being, the more you ground yourself into your being, your essence and your truth as well as into the Earth. You can imagine these ribbons of light; they each have a purpose. They are each reaching out and touching an aspect of the Universe of the Creator, and the world around you, gifting love. 

How to Embrace Freedom and Expansion by Archangel Metatron – Natalie Glasson

Greetings beloved ones, I am Archangel Metatron. I invite you to step into the stillness within your being, to rest in this moment of stillness, a moment that is almost like a pause. However, it may be noisy, chaotic and there might be upheaval. Whether those energies are within your being or outside of you, you can always step into the stillness, a pause within your being. Where you remind yourself of your truth, as if you are gazing at your divine essence, reminding yourself of who you are, your mission, and your purpose. 

Wisdom of the Ages by Archangel Metatron – Natalie Glasson

Greetings and love, I am Archangel Metatron. May the joy of the Creator engulf you and surround you, may it bubble from within you. I wish to share the joy of the Creator with you so that you may experience joy in your current reality. Let your physical reality be a joyful experience, let your spiritual reality be a joyful experience. I know for many that it may not be a joyful time. It is important to realize that joy is born from within your being and therefore it radiates and reflects into your reality. You create a joyful reality for yourself from your own inner experience of joy. This is something that I encourage you to contemplate and bring into your awareness and embodiment. As you experience joy in your reality, so your energy vibration quickens therefore you speed along your ascension process. 

Discover Your Internal Reset by Archangel Metatron – Natalie Glasson

I Archangel Metatron extend my blessings and love to all beings upon the Earth now, we are walking tremendous, and magnificent transformations with you. Upon the inner planes we are supporting major shifts that are occurring within your being, for all of humanity and the Earth. Our role in this moment is to support you in remaining grounded, balanced, stable and connected with the Creator. Such vast transformations are taking place within your being. This has been occurring for some time now, however, it is climaxing. We are noticing many souls and beings upon the Earth are now making shifts internally that they have been preparing for in the last months. This shift may come about because of a cleanse of the body, a new perspective born in the mind, an upset that brings forth clarity, or a new sense of gratitude and appreciation for all that is.