
This Will Propel You into the 5th Dimension ∞The Creators by Daniel Scranton

We engage with you energetically all the time. We who exist in the twelfth dimension may seem as though we are in a far off place to those of you living lives on planet Earth at this time. But you are enlivened by the energies of the nonphysical. You are animated by us and by others who also exist in our dimension here. We love to see you tapping in to more of who you really are, and you love the feeling of doing so yourselves as well. 

Your Spirit Guides & Higher Selves Work w/Us on This ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We have been taking our sweet time in delivering to all of you the messages that contain the energies that will propel you into a deeper knowing of who you are. We know how much you can handle in any given moment, and we know the disadvantages to overwhelming you with energies and information, because we have done this before with other people on other planets in other star systems. We know that you are ready for the energies that we deliver to you by measuring how much you have absorbed and by how many of you have felt overwhelmed by us and what we are offering. We also know that you have your own helpers, your own guides, your own galactic teams, and your own relationships to Mother Earth and your sun.

Why Would You Choose to Be Born on Earth? ∞ Thymus ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We know you intimately well, which means that we know who you really are and we hold that space for you. We also understand that you were born into a reality where there were lots of energies, thoughts, and emotions floating around you, some of which stuck to you, and at times you operate from those thought forms, those energies, those emotional states of being that do not represent who and what you really are. And so, when you feel embarrassed or ashamed about something that you have done, said or thought, please recognize that you were born into a soup of all of those choices, and some of those choices were made to seem alluring to you so that you would make the lower-vibrational choice. 

Andromedan DNA Activation Included in This Message ∞ by Daniel Scranton

You have been opening yourselves up to more of the galactic energies that are coming in to serve you and to support you on your ascension journey. Those of you who are awake and aware are more open to energies that would be considered extra-terrestrial. And when you open up to us and our energies, you get a more whole and complete version of yourself to navigate through your life experience. 

The Days of Instant Manifestation Are Coming ∞Thymus ∞ by Daniel Scranton

You are all on a journey that is about changing, transforming, becoming. It is a journey that is not about going to a different place and taking the same old you with you to that new place. Some people do have that idea about ascension. They think that if you put them in a better place, then they will be happier. If you put some people somewhere else who are bringing us all down, and put all the good ones over here in the fifth dimension and on this new Earth, then all problems will be solved in their minds.