Jim Charles

About the author

Hucolo.org. Our purpose is awakening of the humanity. Until now, we achieved much progress using only volunteers’ help. The financial support would allow us to awaken radically more people and to connect these people in a tighter network. We are in contact with extraterrestrials and angels via telepathic contact called “channeling”. Our community has 11 channelers and the number of channelers is growing. We teach people channeling, telepathy and energy healing. The art of channeling is ancient and we are bringing it to the public. We teach online classes and local workshops of channeling, telepathy and energy healing of self and others.

Third Eye – Buddha through Jim Charles

II was going to teach about the third eye in a little more depth today. However, I think my time has been shortened and I don’t know if I have time to do that. But let me say this. Many have conceptions about the third eye, that may not be true. Oh yes, it does have to do with clairvoyance and seeing the things that are beyond the realm of third dimension, it does have to do with seeing and creativity and the very idea of understanding, all the things of spirit, that you are once confounded by..

Connections and Oneness – Buddha through Jim Charles

I’ve come to talk to you today about connection. I know that many of you are wanting me to continue about the third eye, the crown. But there are so many important things going on right now. Many of you know about your chakras in many senses, but I would like to talk to you more today about connecting one with another.

True prayer and True meditation – Elijah through Jim Charles

Thank you. I come today to talk to you about something very important. Many of you have great missions and many of you have great things, that must be done and you are examples to the world. but remember this, you cannot be the great example that you want to be without true prayer and true meditation.

On Stonehenge ~ Sassani-Shakani through Jim Charles

Channeling :: On Stonehenge by Friend17 (Sassani-Shakani) via Jim Charles


