Thank you. I come today to talk to you about something very important.
Many of you have great missions and many of you have great things, that must be done and you are examples to the world. but remember this, you cannot be the great example that you want to be without true prayer and true meditation. Remember, that when you do stop to do your prayers and meditations, that they mean something to you that you’re not just reciting verses that you heard, but you’re exactly putting thoughts into what you are saying, that you are bringing your heart into your prayer life, bringing your heart into your meditations so that they may actually work in a greater way. Not that if you say a prayer and do not mean it with your heart, that God does not hear it and accept that because you have taken your time and your effort to do so. However, when you put your heart and mind and soul and spirit, into your meditations and into your prayers, they become something fresh and new every time.
It is not that you are just saying words, but that you are actually communicating with God that you are actually communicating with the spirits there. and actually, getting a response from them, because they are feeling your heart.
Now, some of you say, but I don’t have a lot of time, and there are days when I don’t feel well and there are times when I’m this in In the other thing happening, and my meditations are not as deep as I wish them to be, however, make them shorter, but make them work. Make them shorter, but make them work. It does not matter how long you pray. The Pharisees prayed for hours, but they only prayed for hours so that everybody would see them praying. You understand that? but a short, meaningful, heartfelt prayer can go much farther than hours of just empty nothingness. It is the essence of your prayers. That makes the difference. It is the essence of your prayers that will change your example.
It is the essence of your prayers that will cause people to be healed, that will cause things to happen, that are unexpected and that are miraculous. If you go around reciting a prayer, the same words every day, and every time you pray, and they mean nothing to you. then how is this prayer, really a good prayer unless you take that old prayer and bring new life to it.
When you’re actually saying the words, you’re actually listening to what you’re saying, I’m bringing about new life, for that prayer, the Lord’s Prayer, for example, many recited but it’s just blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. bring life to it. Listen to what you’re saying. Bring your heart into it, understand what the prayer is about, so that you may have be actually communicating with God and the spirit. Not that you’re just mumbling words empty and meaningless. Of course, God will bless your time that you’ve spent in prayer, no matter how shallow it is, but make it work.
Make it full, make it meaningful.
Bring your love to it.
Because there are those out there, that you’re going to be praying for. That you want to have some impact on with God’s prayers, God’s power.
I love when prayer is true. I love when prayer is full. I love when prayer has meaning and has action come to it because it is so meaningful.
Because every time that it’s meaningful, actions will come to it in some way.
Actions will come, if only to build your heart, your faith, your love toward God.
There is still a great action there, when it’s meaningful.
Much love to all of you.
Image Credit : Pixabay.com