

This Transmission Contains Codes to Unlock What’s Inside You ∞The 9D Hathors ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are ascending with you, alongside you, and in some ways because of you, because of the waves you are creating, because of the ways in which you are expanding, evolving, and becoming more of your true selves. All of that has a ripple effect throughout the galaxy and the universe, and we are now a part of your story historically, as we have been to your world and we have done what we could to help.

What Helps You Ascend & What Doesn’t ∞ Thymus ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are always happy to connect with those of you who are in human form there on Earth, and we are very excited to share with you our energy and whatever insights we can offer you to help you along on your journey of ascension. You can place your attention these days on just about anything. You have access to so many thoughts, so many thought forms, and so many beliefs, and it is very much time for all of you to be discerning in what you put your attention on.

Now Is a Glorious Time for Humanity…Here’s Why ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We are very happy with your process of learning, discerning, growing, evolving, expanding, and we can say that because you are all still there doing it. We like all the ways that we witness you going through these processes, and even though we might teach one over another, it is only because we feel that the process we teach might be faster, might be more effective, but they all have value. You never have to worry about letting anyone down with your mistakes, with your wrong turns. You grow in your misalignment.

It is Time for Humanity to Know This ∞ by Daniel Scranton

We have an enormous amount of compassion for those of you in human form because we know about how many different ways there are for you to experience pain and suffering while in those physical bodies. You do have the capacity to take on so much in a single lifetime because of how powerful you really are, and therefore, if you want to know how powerful you really are, just look at all of the challenges that you have carved out for yourself in this lifetime, and you will start to get an idea.

What St. Germain Will Awaken Within Humanity ∞ by Daniel Scranton

It is my intention to awaken within you that which is of the violet flame, that which is of the highest vibrational essence. It is my task to elevate you all to a higher level of consciousness so that you can know yourselves as you truly are while still operating those physical bodies of yours. We invite you to recognize that the coming together of the physical and the nonphysical is what the Earth plane reality is all about at this time, and this is why there are so many more people channeling now. It is because that nonphysical essence, that energy that is coming from above is needed, and more people are opening up to it.