Adria Wind Horse Estribou

About the author

My love for vocal sound started very young—I would make up songs and sing to myself for hours as a child. In school I participated in chorus, chamber singers, and musical theater. Love for singing extended into adulthood with further vocal training and opera. A period of deep introspection in 2011 led me to feel my life purpose had something to do with my voice and healing, but I didn’t understand at that time what that might mean. I leapt at the opportunity to attend Jonathan Goldman’s Healing Sounds Intensive training in Colorado, and was surprised when shamanic healing sounds started coming through my voice Since then, memories have surfaced from multiple lifetimes where I played the role of a shaman using vocal sound for healing. A few years ago, angelic beings began “knocking on the door” of my awareness with messages. I am deeply moved and humbled to be part of the angels’ messages for others. Their perspectives never cease to delight and amaze me.

Your “New Human” Gifts ~ Adria Wind

This is Angel Raphael. It's a glorious moment of alive. Many of you are beginning to feel, in palpable ways, what it means to be so-called "new human." It's not that you are genetically manufactured or something implanted or something "off." By new human, we mean the evolution of species which many have spoken of, where essentially you are upgraded to new potentials for this new earth.

Fast Moving Train ~ Adria Wind

This is Angel Raphael. So update for humanity right now is: things are a bit like a fast moving train. You have been used to walking along and carrying your own bags or things you needed with you. So the weight of preparedness, the weight of time--that you had to carry all of these things and can only go as fast as feet can carry, metaphorically speaking. Now you get to hitch a ride on a train. And although you get to decide where the train is transporting you, it goes very fast without any greater force than your own will.

Exercised Compassion ~ Adria Wind

This is Raphael, Angel Raphael. So we speak next about how to manage sadness that arises. It's a tinge of compassion, but also that deep sorrow that comes on you here of another's loss. In other words, if there are those "misfortunate"—where something happens in their life that you feel unjust or unfair, and you know it's not your place to go ride in and save them. Or perhaps you're in another country or in another circumstance where you feel you cannot make change for that person as unjust as it is. What do you do with this overwhelming sense of sorrow, of lack of wholeness, this feeling of lack of wholeness in how the world sometimes operates towards one or another of your friends, your fellow people on Earth, whether you know them or not, that you feel in your heart space that you have love for them, regardless of whether you have met in person.

Gradations within truth part of the beauty of being human ~ Adria Wind

Especially when reality begins to expand in a way where that becomes very palpable to each of you—that the dimensions are there to be walked through in a sense—having any kind of certainty: "Well, this is the way it is unquestionably," we would say 100% of the time that's going to be false.   Because even if you are the most open-minded person (the most loving person, you've had so many dimensional experiences that you know there can be more...) there are limits to what your brain-mind is going to allow you to consider possible. That can shift over time. It can. But still to anticipate that you could see the truth or see the full reality at any given moment, that is a falsehood we would say. It's not very likely. It's a rarity we have not yet seen, let's put it that way.

It Comes Like Stepping Stones ~ Adria Wind

In this time, so much swirling change. So much beautiful falling away of those structures and limitations that you do not want leads many to feel just now that they cannot see the road ahead. What does it look like? How do I move forward? ​It comes right now like stepping stones. You can see where you are. That's very clear. Right where you are in this present moment—you can see it, you can feel it. And you can see just in the moment, or just before it's time to take action a new stepping stone comes into your awareness. You can see what is the next step. And you can't see farther than that, perhaps. For most of you, this is the case. You can't see farther than where you are right now. And just the next step.

The Intensity of This Moment ~ Adria Wind

​This is Ariel, Angel Ariel. We speak with compassion to the human soul here, to each of you who are struggling without struggle, who feel the intensity of this moment even if your outer circumstance does not look dire in any sense. You feel as if you can't go on, almost, as if one step in front of the other or one more hour on this planet is too much.

Turn Away from the Mass Messaging ~ Adria Wind

​This is Raphael, Angel Raphael. When there is mass conditioning, when there is mass messaging, it's very, very important to rely on your own sense of truth. Who do you trust now? The president, the media, your family members, the Facebook person who says they are ill . . . There are many reliable and many unreliable sources right now of information. So how do you know? It comes down to your perceptions. That's why we say it's time to widen your view, not narrow it. It's time to widen your view to what is it that you already know? If there are classes you can take now, books to read, if you have some extra time here, use it to explore your extrasensory perceptive abilities. Because you have those. And it's time to start relying on those a little more than relying on mass conditioning, mass messaging particularly.

You are Brighter than You Know Right Now ~ Adria Wind

Even in the darkest of times in an exterior sense, the light you bring, the light that is inherent to what you are, sheds light to the world—generally speaking, and specifically speaking to all of the sentient beings around you. If you are a bright light already, even if you are feeling a little dim in these darker denser times, you are still bringing light to others. So you don't need to compare your experience of your own light this week, today, with how it was yesterday or last month. In a sense of sharing with the world, your light is perhaps brighter than you perceive it to be. And your intention of sharing good with the world even when you feel yourself to be dragging through it—the muck of the world—your intention to be sharing light means that that is the case, even when you are not experiencing it.

Specificity of Wishing ~ Adria Wind

The question arises: How can I afford what it is that I wish for? This is an interesting moment because we find ourselves no longer chained to the domain of money, and yet in most of your world things are still purchased through funds. So how do you decide how to create what you wish? Are you supposed to decide based on what your budget is and what you think you can afford? We tell you that is the old way. But we are not asking you either to jump into situations in which you will be chained to the need for money that is not in your current supply.

Freedom from Historic Enslavement ~ Adria Estribou

Channeled message Angel Raphael through Adria Wind Horse Estribou February 23, 2019

Andromedans Will Begin to Appear ~Adria Wind

We want you to know that the Andromedan peoples are here in this plane, planet, and we are in the capacity of neutral observer. We are going to begin to appear to other beings this being and others on this plane, planet, for an express purpose: We want you to know that we are here. We want you to know that we are real. We also want you to know that we are peaceful observers of the changes of the millennia.

This very moment is something that we wished for ~ Adria Wind

What messages do the angels have for you? Adria Wind Horse Estribou talks about what she has learned channeling angels.  
